Monday, May 18, 2015

Your great love will lead me through

I had meant to post this last week but the first week of holiday was so hectic that today is the first day i can stop and catch my breath for more than an hour. Cant believe I'm saying this but...

Thank God for Monday!

The past week was filled with apprehension because i had to officially conduct LG without my safety net, aka Hang, for the first time. I wasn't sure if i was able to stop being such a martha and start being more of a mary; i wasn't sure if i could get people to follow my lead.. etc etc. My Lighthouse by Rend Collective became my mantra for that week. 

The melody sounds way too chirpy and upbeat for the song to be deeply meaningful but i actually like every line because each sentence has its significance.

Anyway, God has proven time and time again He is the shepherd of His own flock. LG turned out fine eventually. More than fine, if i'd say so myself. Im just really grateful for the people inside my LG and the leaders who have given me much support throughout.

And also, we sang How He Loves during service last Saturday. I never thought i would be able to hear that in my church and so i was extremely pleasantly surprised. It is hands down the most poetic, most touching, most beautifully written worship song I've ever heard. It is the first song that i loved so much that i wanted to match its stunning lyrics with beautiful images. You can see it here.

Have a wonderful week ahead everyone! :)

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