Thursday, October 16, 2014

"In a world that really has been turned on its head, truth is a moment of falsehood."

my current desktop wallpaper

Here are some things i've been enjoying this week:

Budapest - George Erza
The District Sleeps Tonight - Birdy
Every Little Thing She Does - Sleeping At Last
Sleeping early. I've been sleeping at around 10pm recently and it feels gooooood.

I remember talking to a senior majoring in Sociology. He told me how glad he was that his girlfriend was studying the same course as him because you will find it hard to talk to others about what you've learnt. And i can see how that is true now. Not all sociologists are critical thinkers though. Some just parrot what the professors impart without thinking and act as though they are enlightened. Its not about right and wrong!! Its about being critical! I am so irritated. You talk too much and think too little. Like urgh, get your obnoxiousness out of my face please.

I have a class with this Professor who does not have any slides. He simply stand in front and talk for 2 hours. Its amazing and im saying this sincerely, not sarcastically. His ideas flow here and there and he conjures examples spontaneously. His mind works in the speed of a bullet train and im absolutely smitten. I like the way he dresses, the way he speaks, the way he thinks and its really weird to say all these because he is twice the age of me (and probably even more).

Anyway, i love it! I love it, i love it, i love it. That, to me, is how education and knowledge should look like. An exchange of ideas; a sharpening of minds; a meeting of souls. Not some rigid education strictly based on rights and wrongs. The number 1 question i get asked most is, "What jobs can Sociologists work as?" Does it really matter that much? I dont care. If i have the choice (and i do), i am not going to torture myself by chasing after things that do not even matter to me.

One Professor asked me why i wanted to study Sociology during the admission interview. I told her, "I think it is important to know what we believe and why we believe because it shapes our actions and who we are."

If i gain all the wisdom in the world and yet have no idea of who i am at the end of the day, what's the use?

The world needs a lot more critical thinkers.

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