Wednesday, March 13, 2013

same narrow people, same mindless chatter

Once, i was put into an office filled with phony people. I cant bring myself to be fake like them so i distanced myself. I dont know what hurts more - the fact that they thought i was a social imbecile or the fact that i have to put on a freak show just to fit in.

It is certainly sad to know that the world is so fast paced that it no longer allows time and room for mistakes.

I dont know what kind of lives people are leading. But most of them seem meaningless in my eyes. I hope that i will do something meaningful in the future. Or at the very least, a job that allows me to be... me.

Clarity by Zedd is a good song. Here you go.

I finally changed my tumblr layout. I like it a lot. And my piano exams are tomorrow. I should probably sleep now. Good night.

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