Thursday, March 14, 2013

happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time

So, my mom decided to give me a really long talk about my life and my future this morning thanks to my poor piano performance. After an hour plus, this sums up what i've learnt:

I am a 6 year old soul trapped in a 20 year old body.

Anybody feeling the same? I feel so lost. I feel like im still too young to be exposed to the nasty reality and i dont ever want to grow up )': I obviously suck at managing my life. Family, church and friends are all important to me but i can never seem to strike a balance for all.

My priority now goes to being a good daughter. My mom asked me this question: "You said that being a Christian makes you a better person. Do you think you are a better person?" And after internalizing the question i conclude that i am indeed a better person, but not a better daughter. Most of my time are committed to my friends (actually individually speaking, im not really spending a lot of time with them because there are so many different groups of friends that my head is going crazy!) but as much as i love my friends, they do come and go. Only those that stay are those that are worth keeping. So i am going to try being a better daughter which means coming home early, spending more time with my mom and try to talk more to her... and all of these are foreign to me because my family doesnt really communicate much D:

Ok im going to stop here and do a research on "What topics should i talk to my mom about".


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