Monday, December 31, 2012

Weekend Warrior

REALLY, REALLY OVERDUE! To those who actually read through this entire post... kudos to you. I cant even-

24th December, Monday
It was a half-day so i went shopping with my F21 voucher. I spotted this super pretty mint coloured sweater. They have a lot of clothings in mint actually. I thought the mint trend was over...?

Anyway, though there were many mint sweaters, this was the only one that caught my eye. And after i tried it, i realised it was from the PJ's section. Haha, who cares? I'm going to wear it out anyway (:

Tanya invited us to her house to have a Christmas celebration. Turkey, ham, potatoes, salmon and more! Yumzzzz if i could eat like this everyday...

What i requested and got for my Christmas exchange. Really excited to have received the book. It smells so gooooood, i couldnt stop sniffing it like a dog. And the edges of the book is simply beautiful. I cant explain how it is like but its just uneven and so cool. Am halfway through the book!

25th December, Tuesday

Xmas celebration over at ah ma's house. Played a card game called Munchkin and i won 2 (all) rounds!! Surprisingly, since it was my first time. HEHEHEHE. I think i am quite scheming when it comes to games that require you to sabotage people lol.

Ok cant remember when i took the following photos but it should be in the same week:

Simply Bread. Hmm, i think some of their sandwiches are worth it. Played Zhong Ji Mi Ma (ahhh, lazy to translate and i dont know the English name) and i had to drink sugar syrup mixed with pepper, salt and a spoonful of lemon tea lol.

My treasure cove at office. The amount of snacks grew ever since Christmas. I've cleared most of them already because i keep snacking in office hehe.

28th December, Friday
SP Fear Factor: 6 inch or footlong!
Planned this event for our last lifegroup in 2013. I had a lot of fun creating my group's sandwich! Photos all from Chin Boon.

 The most normal sandwiches. Consists of only ham, lettuce and bread.

 Chunks of celery and uncooked luncheon meat haha. Damn gross.

 Can't remember who's group this is.

 Err, errected carrot head with white stuff.

Me and Weihong's! I really think our bread tasted nice despite the fact we got a packet of peanut and a tub of butter for seasoning. (Peanut butter, get it?)

 Reynard's group. I think they have the best visual presentation.

Our judge, who has to taste all the weird bread hehehe. I almost became judge but after looking at the ingredients, i pushed the role to Baiyu hahaha.

29th December, Saturday

Who doesn't love good food?

 31st December, Monday
Seyong's family booked rooms at MBS and HardRock hotel and we checked into HardRock! Awesome staycation. Urgh, would love to do more if we had the moolah!!

Me and Reynard wearing our dress/shirt bought for us from Hanyang!
Haha, i know i kept complaining about the gems stitched onto the dress (walao makes it damn hard to sit) but the more i look at the dress, the more i am in love with it! Hanyang, your choice not bad ah ;) Thank you so so so so much!

I've been to different LGs and i think this is one of the most memorable group. Not only because of the people but because i became more involved in church and my heart and passion for God and His people grew so much. I began to appreciate what the leaders are doing, and i began to share their burden. It's tough but it is also a blessing (:

Really had so much fun on the last/first day of 2012/2013. I've stopped swimming since secondary school and i miss it so much now!

Decided to showcase Chin Boon's photography. I thought it was awesome how he managed to capture the fireworks beautifully (:

1st January, Tuesday
Spent the first day of 2013 enjoying good food, good company and a good time reading books and talking (:

Yay, unglam shot of me!

 And then you have Shaf, who totally looks like a model in the photo )':

Mere Christianity. See the edges of the book? That was what i was talking about - the beautifully jagged rims.

Thanks Anginn for the photos! You always know how to work it with the Instagram ;)

 2nd January - 6th January
Just going to let the photos do the talking because nothing much happened anyway!

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