Monday, December 31, 2012

Now the memories are on the wall

31st Dec 2012. The last day of 2012. This demands a special post... which i unfortunately do not have. Nothing special going on in my dull life so you cant really blame me. Usually when it comes to the last day of the year, i would blog about my "favourites" for that particular year. If im not wrong, i blogged about my favourite songs/manga/anime/shows back in 2011. (Please do not check my archive. My past posts are undoubtedly embarrassing). I honestly wanted to do a Favourite Products of 2012 but then i also wanted to do a post on unpublished photos that i have collected in my phone. Not to mention, i have yet to blog about my Christmas week and my MFTS (music for the soul, if anyone still remembers. I doubt since the last time i did it was the beginning of Dec). The list of songs is just growing because i discover new music ALL THE TIME.

Eventually, i decided to do publish unpublished photos of 2012 so that i can have a ball of time looking back on what i did. Oh, photos only starts at around August because that was when i changed my phone to one with good quality camera haha.

In random order:
I think i was fascinated that i can see my reflection on my macbook because it means my phone's camera is quite good haha. As you can tell, my computer's screen is really dirty. I dont know why i looked so weird though.

 Fake blood which tastes super sweet.

I spotted this girl with cool hair while queuing in the interchange.

 Hmm, i dont know why XY's finger appeared and why i pretended to eat her finger hehe.

Hehehe so cute!

 Anginn's tumbled over Red Velvet from Twelve Cupcakes.

 Looking suspicious haha.

 Everyone trying to get a photo of our PM.

Mouldy cake.

Joy being as cute as usual.

Seyong's hand filled with superglue because my shoe heel came off and needed some immediate rescue session heh.

I dont know who that was wrapped under the toilet paper haha.

Bored at work. Why is one of my eye smaller than the other?

This is the most recent photo in my phone. Took this with XX only a few days ago. My phone's front camera has a "halo" effect because the screen protector covered a bit of the lens hehe.

Going out to countdown with my LG mates! ^^ Really excited :D

Have a happy new year everyone! May 2013 be filled with peace and joy! 

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