Urgggggh, have been so lazy to update my blog because i feel like there's no substance behind my posts. All i've been doing is going out, going out and going out. I've been trying to stop hanging out with friends so much but idk why there are always outings! I need to pace myself better.
31st December, Monday
Leftover pics!

I remember we all bought this tub of ice cream and they had free toppings for the customers to sprinkle over their ice cream. But our take away tub was so full that it didnt have space for toppings. So we took 4 mini cups and filled them with marshmallows, chocolate sprinkles and stuff and CARRIED IT INTO RESORT WORLD FROM VIVO. Damn epic hahaha.
"Gambling" den in the middle of the night. It is amazing how they never sleep.
I was sooooo tired that when Aik Hau woke me up to see the sunrise (which didnt happen in the end) i was so blur and confused. Reynard tried to trick me that Hanyang was waiting in the hotel's lobby. I knew it was a lie because why would anyone come to Sentosa in the wee hours?? So i got angry and i shouted, "Hanyang is here? Tell him to come up la! I punch him ah!" And proceeded back to my dreamland.
Hahaha feisty as ever.
11th January, Friday
Watched Les Mis! Such a good movie!! Many people thought that Anne Hathaway wasn't a good singer but i thought she put so much emotion into I Dreamed A Dream! I was blown away by her performance.
Watched Silver Lining Playbook with Naby the day before. I loooooooove movies that deal with the issue of mental health. My all time favorite movies are Confessions, Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close and A.I Artificial Intelligence. Im adding SLP into the list. I really love movies that deal with humanity and sanity. I just love it so much. SLP was funny which is different from other "mentally ill" movies that i've watched. Really like it a lot. Thumbs up!
Before watching Les Mis, i got this chocolate muffin which is absolutely amaaaaaaazing.
12th January, Saturday
Played Chubby Bunny!
13th January, Sunday
Met up with HY and R. It was supposed to be a quick and relaxing outing but we end up talking about serious stuff regarding church.
14th January, Monday

16th January, Wednesday
Have become a cupcake lover recently!
18th January, Friday
I suggested for us to take a photo using the mirror. I like the photo a lot ^^
Internship ending soon! Looking forward to Bangkok getaway and a possible one-day M'sia Grad Trip with church friends?? HA. But the no. 1 thing that i anticipate most is having more time for myself. And i would have much more meaningful posts than these because right now i dont have the time to really sit down and think. Sighhhhhh.
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