Sunday, November 25, 2012

What's in my playlist 2

I finally broke my Youtube fast.

40 days. 40 DAYS. It's very hard because for me, my online life = drama, youtube and blog/tumblr. I cant listen to music when im working. I dont own any mp3/ipod because im bad with gadgets and i dont see the point in them when i can store songs in my phone.

My phone. Only has 100 songs and it consists mainly of Christian songs with a few indie picks here and there. I actually wanted to transfer more songs but the stupid Andriod File Transfer stopped working after the first time for who knows why. So i have been playing repeated songs to death ever since i got my phone... which is 1/2 year ago.

Many new songs came out during my fasting period. One Direction (hm, wouldnt call myself a fan but after looking at the gifs with lyrics on tumblr, i was curious) and Taylor Swift, X Factor and...

"Omg have you watched Dumb Ways To Die? Damn funny!"


Now that i have broke my fast, i figured that it seems appropriate to have a spam of youtube videos!

Red by Taylor Swift
Actually i have quite a number of favourites from her. There's no deny that she is quite a talented composer. All her songs are soooo catchy. The list includes Red, I Knew You Were Trouble, Stay Stay Stay, The Lucky One and Girl At Home.

But my favourite is Red. I just really like how Taylor Swift used colours to form the emotions behind the lyrics.

Dear Death by Anthony Neely

The Chinese and English title are totally different. 讓我愛她 means let me love her in English, not Dear Death. But if you listen to the song you would know why the title is Dear Death. Basically this song is written to Death/God (a higher being that controls humans' fate) and the singer begging for his loved one to live on.

The chorus goes something like this:
Have you (referring to death/god) had enough?!!!!!
Being a person is already so tiring
You'd better not take the opportunity to punish me when I have her by my side
Did you see?
Love has made me cried cowardly tears
Can't you just close one eye and let us go?
Perhaps we would be a blissful couple
Let me love her
The English translation does the original lyrics no justice. 1 Chinese character can have a lot of deep meanings behind it so it is really hard to bring forth the emotion when i translate. You need to multiply the feelings by a hundredfold then maybe you would get the gist of the song.

I really like this song because unlike most love songs, this is actually written in a different angle whereby it is complaining and screaming haha.

Beautiful People by Cher Lloyd
This song kept repeating in my head out of the blue. One of my favourites from her.

Songs by Sky Ferreira
After someone i follow on Tumblr KEPT ON SAYING HOW MUCH SHE LOVES SKY FERREIRA AND KEPT REBLOGGING HER PICTURES, i decided to listen to her music haha. I like Boys, Animals and Hallucination.

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