Monday, December 3, 2012


From 2 weeks ago... I had family dinner at Charly's T on Monday. Dont have the photos with me.

20/11 Tuesday

Juliane's chili crab dinner! @ Jumbo.

Most of them went back after the dinner but me, Juliane and Joanne went to drink. Juliane treated me a bottle of vodka from 7-11 and we sat by Clarke Quay river to drink and talk. There was music playing from the restaurant opposite so it was awesome.

I got the raspberry flavour which tasted like cough medicine. Juliane got the blueberry one and it tasted soooo sweet and good!

23/11 Friday

Nothing much happened on the 21st and the 22nd. On 23rd, i went for Prayer Meet. It was by far the BEST prayer meet ever. It has been such a long time since i cried so hard. I mean yes, i usually cry during praise and worship but its not very extreme. The 2 songs that were memorable that night was Hosanna and 10,000 reasons.

Hosanna is the very first (as far as i could remember) Christian song i've heard. It was also the first Christian song i liked. My cousin was playing on loud speakers a few years back when i hadn't converted and i asked her what's the song title. Its amazing i could remember the song when i have such lousy memory.

10,000 reasons, to me, is a classic. The melody somehow sounds like a wedding song to me. The lyrics means a lot to me. I love this song to bits.

26/11 Monday

Ate at Pizza Hut for lunch.
Sent Juliane off after work.

#imtallerthananangmoh loloolol

27/11 Tuesday

I mentioned that my near my workplace, there are cool shops under HDB flats right? Well, a new coffee house came into this lovely neighbourhood and every time me and my colleagues passed by it for lunch, we always wonder when will it open. And we wanted to visit it when it opens.

Guess what?
Turns out my colleague's friend's cousin owns that coffee house LOL. So we popped by after lunch. Too bad Adele, HuiXian and Sivan already left for good and Sam joined her other friends for lunch. In the end only me and Rena went... since it was Rena's friend.

It was so cool to be there because 1. the place is absolutely beautiful and soothing. I could chill there forever. 2. The shop was not officially open. WHICH MEANS I GOT TO ENTER A SHOP THAT  PUBLIC HAS NOT BEEN BEFORE. Damn cool because its not like i have friends who open their own stores and i can pop by even before it opens ): 3. i got free coffee. #perksofhavinggoodconnections. A bit paiseh cause it was my first time meeting them only lol.

Sean (i have a feeling that the name is spelt this way instead of Shawn) and Si Hwa (I think its Hwa instead of Hua) mixing coffee for us.

I got Caramel Cappuccino, i think. I have never enjoyed coffee... except for Starbucks but that is only because i always order Java Chip or Caramel or Green Tea Ice... which aren't really coffee-coffee. I dont like coffee because of its bitter taste. When i was at Vocanic, everyone swore by this coffee house nearby so on my last day i got myself a drink. It was really bitter.

But, this Caramel Cappuccino is daaaaaaaamn awesome. I think Sean added a little more caramel than usual but i like it that way. It is so awesome that i cannot stop raving. Anyway, the shop officially open on 3rd Dec (TODAY!!). If anyone is going to try their coffee, do pop by and visit me when im working ^^

The shop is called Just Want Coffee, located @ the street opposite Police Cantonment. Nearest MRT station is Outram Park. Google the rest yourself.

28/11, Wednesday

Yes, Indian food AGAIN. Well, at least i didnt consume any soya-related food this week.

30/11, Friday

Pizza Hut again with Gene and Yani. Yay, Gene came back to look for me ^^ Had a very filling lunch yumxzxzx.

Went drinking at some restaurant @ Chijmes. That's Shaf's mocktail because she cant drink alcohol. The rest of us opened a bottle of Vodka and shared. XW had 9 licks. Surprisingly, my tolerance for alcohol is quite alright. I have never drank much in my life. Most of the time its just a bottle of beer (i hate beer) or a cup of drink. So i tried to test myself and i drank about 3 -  4 cups. Not bad, Siqi.

BUT, no matter how good of a drinker you are, you need to take note of the number of cups. More than 5 cups for men and 4 cups for women in a session is considered binge drinking. Drinking is ok but never ever binge drink because it harms the health! Moderation is key.

I think i need to control my frequency of drinking. I feel like im going drinking every week because different group of people will ask me. 

The rest of Friday's night was... well the most dramatic night in my entire life. 
1/12, Saturday

Fika with Sam and Seyong. They didnt serve my favourite hazelnut praline ):

Service. They are giving out invitation cards for the Xmas service already! I was sooooo happy that it is happening on the 22nd because i thought it was on the 23rd and i was very upset that i couldnt go due to family celebration. Whew!

Can you see my eyebags? Swollen. My arms? Sore.

PB Jelly from Twelve Cupcakes.
I love the caramel one though.

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