Friday, December 7, 2012

MFTS: 7th Dec

My life is honestly not very interesting so i'd rather be blogging about my music style. I feel that recently i have been very open to all sorts of music. Its just that there are too many pop songs going on nowadays and i feel that sometimes music isn't music anymore you know? There are gold out there that are covered in dust - songs that would have be in the Top Charts if we were in the 90's instead of Taylor Swift, One Direction etc. No hate but... i dont know how to say it.

Anyway, Sam also told me that pop songs actually makes people's brain less stimulated because the rhythm, melody and lyrics are repeatitive. I am able to "predict" some of the words in the lyrics though i've never heard of it before which im sure most of us can anyway. And no, it's not because imma pyschic but because pop songs pretty much have the same pattern and my brain inconspiciously picked it up and wired itself. Scary but its true. Need to listen to different genres. Anyway, i've discovered a lot of talented artists and beautiful music because of this phase im going through which is awwwwwesome. Thought i would share though people might not like my taste in music heh. I've decided to label this section Music For The Soul (MFTS) where i put up songs that i currently like. Yes, there are pop songs (i dont hate them and im not abstaining from them) but there are also other genres included.

... Or not haha.

 Cherry Blossom Ending by Busker Busker

The song sounds familiar though i am quite sure it's my first time listening to it. It has a happy and light-hearted beat so i feel like skipping along the streets and hopefully cherry blossoms (it is not named cherry blossoms for nothing) will flutter down on me.

I haven't listened to all of Busker Busker's songs but i have a feeling if i do, i will most likely fall in love with all of them.

Try by P!nk

She has been one of my favourite singers ever since i heard her song Who Knew. How could anyone not love her songs when they are so inspirational?? I dont only love the song "Try" but i also love the music video. A lot of singers bare their skin and dance promiscuously because sex sells. The dance for this music video is very sensual but it has a meaning. And i really really love how it compliments the song. To me, it has passed the sex value. The dance is so beautifully artistic.

Loving Strangers by Russian Red

Not my absolute favourite from her but it was stuck in my head because of its easy melody.

Everyday Everynight by Russian Red

My favourite from her.

Yukar by Michita

My first impression was that it sounds Japanese. The melody sounds like what Joe Hishashi would create - except with bass. And after i googled it, it really was by a famous Jap DJ. Awesome awesome music.

Midnight City by M83

Sam introduced me to this song which i immediately fell in love.

Language by Porter Robinson

As you might have noticed from the past 2 videos, i am familiarising myself with electronic music. And it all started with Language by Porter Robinson. I was watching this Youtube video on fashion and the music played together with the visuals was incredible (video below, a must watch). The official music video (above) is just as amazing.

"Be not afraid of the things that cause you fear. Face them head on, and spare yourself the pain you will realize from running or living in denial."

Suego Faults by Wolf Gang

I love Wolf Gang. And i love the melody of this song so much because it sounds so different from the music that i've heard. So dreamy and beautiful.

Midnight Dancers by Wolf Gang

Another of my favourites from them. Honestly, if i were to list down all my faves from them, it'd probably be the song list from their album.

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