Friday, November 16, 2012

last man standing

Barracks with girls for dinner after work on Monday. THE AGLIO IS SO DAMN YUMMY but i didnt take a photo because i was sooooo hungry. And of course, vodka lime. I want to go back there soon because when i was leaving the restaurant, i caught a glimpse of their cakes and oh my my my my my. But not cheap to dine there especially when im saving for grad's trip with my internship money. Grrr.

Tuesday. HAHAHAHA. Paid Sivan a visit at her house for Deepavali. My first time celebrating deepavali sia.

Treat my sister to watch Pitch Perfect as part of her early birthday celebration. We. Dont. Look. Alike.

Thusday. To celebrate G's farewell lunch, we went to Dian Xiao Er. Ordered Roast Duck, Kang Kong and Shark's Fin. I felt a tinge of guilty while surping down the Shark's Fin thanks to Shaf and Naby. Cant eat in peace while their voices are nagging at the back of my head )':

Is it just me or does G actually looks like Pooh bear???

Sigh, i dont like taking photos with her because her face is SO FREAKING SMALL that mine looks big in comparison T_T Plus she's sooooo pretty like #*%$^@&^ so i cant take a picture with her in peace.

The same sadness i felt with Juliane washed over me when Gene handed over me part of her work. The feeling of being abandoned is not an easy emotion to swallow. Time passes really fast. A month ago, i was blogging about how G said she was leaving and now she has already left. Sigh.

Friday. Hell once again arise and i head on to the battle field without my comrades. G what's app "Miss u" early in the morning to me and i felt so touched (': Cause she doesnt seemed like the kind who would message people unless necessary, like me. Honestly, i think personality wise we are the same. The way she thinks and the way i think is exactly the same. HAHA.

Friday is also A's last day. I have sent off 5 people in the 2 months i've been working. And more to come. I am srsly the last man standing.

And because its Friday, its time for a treat!! Ok, this is like a thing that i've started for myself. Because after lunch i always buy snacks/desserts like Tau Huay/chocolate/cakes/tarts etc, the amount i spent on food increase by a lot even though my meal itself is quite cheap. So i've decided to not let myself spend more than a certain amount of money for food. To compensate my deprived taste buds, i have allowed myself to treat myself to anything i want on every Friday. But actually i still eat expensive food from Mon - Thurs (Barrack, Dian Xiao Er, next week im eating Chili Crab too...) so this is like a cheat. But whatever. Its Friday -  anything goes :D

I srsly have been stuffing my stomach with Indian food and soybean the past 2 months. I think its because there are quite many Indian eateries near my workplace... and maybe because for the past 19 years of my life the only Indian food i've eaten are the long twirly cracker and prata HAHAHAHA.

I cut my fringe today because i got fed up with it. I really like the feeling of cutting my own hair. #justsaying.

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