Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hello November

Wearing the ribbon clips that Joyce bought for the 3 of us. You cant really see it in the pic though.

Cinnamon Roll glazed with a generous coat of sugar. Sinful.

Farewell party for Sivan @ Haagen Diaz. Yes, i came in the period when everyone is leaving. Sigh.

Some really good ang ku kueh near my workplace. Unfortunately, i dont share a passionate love for any ang ku kuehs.

A new cake shop opened near my workplace! OMG DAMN NICE! My workplace has a lot of hidden gems hehehehe :D
Ever since i started work, i have been dunking soya bean into my body.

$3.50 is expensive for just a tart but it is filled with goodness, yumzzz.

Seyong bought tickets for me to watch a dance musical because she wanted to support Samuel. Oh yes, i have a b-boy dancer/choreographer as my friend hohoho. I love musicals :D

 That sums up my past 2 weeks.

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