Sunday, October 28, 2012

tears in my eyes but not down my face

Bought cupcakes on Tuesday for myself and Joyce. Joyce is a really nice person who always treats me. She just whatsapp-ed me that she bought me and G accessories. She chose red for me because I always wear red. Actually, i dont have many red clothings - only 2... skirts. The reason why i always wear them is because i only have black, white and red skirts that i can wear to office haha!

J's farewell party and it was quite awkward. Wont explain much but sigh, i hugged her like a million times. I like how when we hugged and she whispered to me, "Not long more!" and "We'll meet again when i come back!" I knew i would miss her so much. Though we've only known each other for a month and we dont even have lunch together most of the time, she always understood how i felt in office and always comforted me. My moral support!!!

Didnt take a photo with her individually ): So here's a photo taken sometime ago with our cakes with Shikin and Sivan. 

Realised that im always eating cakes in office haha!

Went for Brenda's water bapt on Thursday. While i was watching her, a gush of mixed feelings rushed over me. I was so happy for her. Marriage is a lifelong promise and commitment and water bapt is exactly the same thing. It is such an important, solemn yet joyous ceremony. I literally felt like i was watching a good friend getting married. Although i really look forward to me getting water baptized too, there are still hesitations holding me back. I do hope that the day where my love are bigger than my fears will come soon. 

Went to Sauce to meet the girls after water bapt. The last time i drank that was a few months ago, during Vocanic's event at Zouk. And oh my god.... They mixed too much vodka and it tasted like medicine. I cant even finish the drink. This time round i ordered Tequila. It tasted soooooo gooooood although i didnt really like sprite (the bartender mixed up the order and i just took it). I liked Gaya's Vodka Lime too because I LOVE SOUR STUFF.

Yummy yummy!

Friday @ Sentosa. Gelato and Perks Of Being Of A Wallflower. Thank you Anginn for the book! ^^ 

Went to Four Seasons Hotel's restaurant (idk if the hotel's name is correct or not haha) and read books with the girls. THIS IS THE KIND OF LIFE I AM GOING TO LEAD IN THE FUTURE, IDC. Wah, i really hate the way how Singaporeans just work work work. I suppose they dont have a choice since living expenses are so high. I am scared that when i grow up, i will be forced by circumstances to just focus on my career. 


The sky at 7.00 am on Saturday morning. Samsung's phone camera is really awesome (Y).

Joyce treated me to Pink Sauce Salmon Spaghetti for lunch after event. It is really good except that the spaghetti is a little hard - i like my noodles and fries to be soft and soggy. Heard that J was around so of course must call her to meet for awhile!!

I looked quite unglam but oh well. What can i expect 6 hours under the hot sun??

Changed and went to church afterwards. Went to support Tricia's Halloween event near NLB and queued for 2.5 hours omg. Honestly the trail wasnt scary at all. You can see everything since its quite bright and also i've been through worst. CSCC days....

Debbie requested me to take a photo. I thought she wanted me to take a picture of her but she was like, "Aiyo! With you la," HAHAHAHA.

Reached home at 2.30 am and i almost died because i woke up at 530 in the morning that morning. I ended up sleeping at 4 because i always get energized after bathing and washing my hair.

Sunday... I spent the day at home. Practice piano, watched dramas (Innocent Man, Dr. Jin and DETECTIVE CONAN♥ ok acutally im in love with the manga and not really the show but the show is passable la) and napped.

Why oh why do Sundays pass so quickly?

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