Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Playlist: Up And Coming

Many upcoming songs that im excited for. Im just going to write about good songs that i've only recently heard and/or coming soon.

Gain's new solo album

I love Gain. I dont know if she did surgery before but im glad that at least for her eyes, she did not do any touch up. I think she is one of the most beautiful monolids women ever. It reminds me of Xiao Wen Ju, a China model who is damn beautiful. Inserts XWJ's photos.

Back to Gain. For a woman so fierce (in WGM), she has such a sweet & sensual voice. Her solo albums always leaned towards the raunchy side so its no surprise her teasers are very sexualised. But oh my god. All her teasers sound damn awesome.

The Script's Hall Of Fame

Ok, so this song has been out for sometime but i got to hear it only last week. It is MAD AWESOME. Here's the live recording.

Cher Lloyd's Oath

I've said this before and im going to say it again. I really love Cher Lloyd's voice and personality but im not sure if i would call myself a fan. Honestly, i am disappointed with her new single. Not that its bad but because i know she could have done so much better. Her vocals is still awesome just that the song choices really suck lor. All my favourite songs from her previous album are songs like Beautiful People and Superhero. Her hit singles really took me a long time to get used to it because i think she suits those really emotional and powerful songs instead of pop songs like Want You Back.

I mean its cute and all but she deserves better songs than that.

Actually idk if its Cher Lloyd or her company that actually chooses the songs. I assumed its the company because the songs she sing are a huge change from her X Factor days and im so sad ): I guess Cheryl Cole kinda chose her songs during X Factor but i really liked those choices better T_T

Decided to put in the acoustic session because i think it sounds better than the MV haha. Still, she looks  soooooo gorgeous.

My favourite acoustic cover done by her

My favourite X Factor performance of her. This really proves she can rap and sing. I cant understand how she can change from her ferocious rapping voice to her fragile voice so QUICKLY. I honestly preferred hers to the original. Sigh oh my god. I miss her old eyebrows!

Sean Fournier's Worthy.
Its only like 40 seconds but it is so goooooood.

Nina Nesbitt's Boy

This song took me by surprise. I randomly discovered it (Youtube's Narnia). The song was released a few weeks ago. I thought i wouldn't enjoy it very much when i heard it but by the time it reached the chorus, i really love this song. I find it funny how she remains expressionless throughout the video hahahaha. The video is damn cool too. Except that she wasted a lot of paper. My heart breaks ):

Ok, thats the end. This post is supposed to feature new songs that i've discovered but i end up talking about Cher Lloyd for half of it hahahahahhaha.

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