Saturday, October 20, 2012

hello dark eye circles

 Good coffee (according to my friend) near my workplace! I dont enjoy coffee though.

The picture was taken outside the coffee place because i didnt want to buy any coffee. There were all these wooden boxes. My friend was like, "Wah so hipster. Come, i help you take picture. You just look somewhere else!" and she snapped like quite a few. I looked happy because i was laughing and laughing. I kept telling her, "Aiyo finish already not? Damn awkward leh (laughs non stop because it was too awkward)".

I am really lucky. When i first started my internship, my goal was just to peacefully sail through the entire 6 months. Which means, no unnecessary talking and no unnecessary friendships. I really wanted to just do my work quietly and survive. I was actually secretly happy when i had to go for lunch alone during the first week cause everyone was busy. I only asked this person once if i could eat with her because i wanted to find out what other eateries are there near my workplace so next time i can have lunch alone. 

Then, during the second week, the same colleague invited me for lunch with peeps from other department. I was really quiet when i first met them because i die die also want to stick to my resolution. Then, they invited me for lunch again by sending me an email on Food Trail/Expedition. And i had to go because they were going to eat cakes and all!! And it'd be awkward to reject them la. So i went.

And somehow i slowly opened up and made friends from people in other departments. You know how i mentioned people in my office thinks im an introvert because im quiet? This guy, S, asked if i was introverted and although i told him i wasnt, he insisted in his beliefs. =.= Then you ask me for what? So whatever la, i cant be bothered with him. Then this one time, i was walking to meet friends from other departments to eat and i bumped into him. I told him i was going to eat with my friends and he thought it was only a few friends. He probably got a shock when he saw what a big group i was in LOL. Like around 7 people. 

Ha! Even when i act all introverted i still attract friends lolololol. 

Above pictures are all from last week or even way back i think. I am so busy that i dont even have the time to check my phone. I AM NOT KIDDING. Here's an outline of my daily routine:

Alight at Outram Park, check phone for updates, reach office, start work. PHONE STAYS IN BAG UNTIL LUNCHTIME BECAUSE I DONT HAVE TIME TO EVEN TAKE IT OUT. Eat lunch and check updates on phone which would have accumulated to 100 + messages. Back to office, PHONE GETS HIDDEN UNDER PILE OF PAPERS AND I DONT EVEN HAVE THE TIME TO FIND IT. 30 secs toilet break here and there. I'd be lucky to even drink 2 cups of water in a day. Yup. No time to refill water. I cant even reapply my lip balm though my lips are dry already. End work, check phone for updates and yes 100 + messages again. Try to read them all and reply as much as possible. Hit home, bathe, eat, watch some dramas, practice piano and if i have to, do work which i brought back home. AND FINALLY AT 12, i go to sleep.

My bed has never looked so sexy.

My colleagues celebrated Gene's, Juliane's and my birthday (OH YES. THE PARTY IS STILL ON) on Wednesday. It was actually quite a sad day because G announced that she will officially leave the office in a month's time and J told me her last day is next tuesday. I was so shocked because i thought she still had a long time to go!! I felt really sad because these 2 are my moral support in my workplace. HOW WILL I EVER SURVIVE W/O THEM? ):

Anyway, G said it was weird that she had to announce her resignation on that day because it was also her birthday. Then D, this super duper nice lady who reminds me of Mrs Xie from my sec sch (SHE EVEN LOOKS LIKE MRS XIE OMG), got excited and wanted to celebrate G's birthday. Then D remembered that 23rd Sept was my birthday because it was also my DD's birthday and J's birthday was also like a few days ago. So 3 in 1 celebration haha.

Still, that day was the first time i felt so happy with my colleagues. It was so nice that everyone forgot about their workload for once and really communicate with one another.

Buffet Town @ Wednesday night. Seyong's treat because a few months back, she promised that if she managed to get her scholarship, she'd honour God by treating her LG (now ex LG) a meal. HEHE ^^

I LOVE THEIR AGLIO AND OYSTERS BEST. Yum~ But i really need to stop eating buffet/bbq. I am really getting sick of them.

I am really blessed that even though my office environment is so stressful, i have people who care for me. So happy to receive a Bird Nest Drink :') Actually i received a lot of small treats here and there. Like cookies, snack bars, cupcakes, CAKES, milo... and my most recent loot:

Went to some Indian restaurant at Little India for Friday's lunch. Oh man, it is so cheap and good!! Ordered Rawa Ma(something something) Something. I really suck at remembering names. But i remember the dish number: 29.

We call her Asian in Ang Moh's Body. J has the prettiest blue eyes that i've ever seen... Probably because its the only pair of blue eyes that i get to see in such close distance. She's most likely creeped out by me because usually people break eye contact once in awhile when talking but not me when it comes to J. I practically drilled holes in her eyes. I just keep on staring and staring as i talk. Even when she looks away, i just look into the sides of her blue pupils.


The milk tea is a little too sweet for my liking.

I think i really look pretty in the above picture leh!! Like for some reason, my face looks oval rather than its usual round shape. Thanks to J who snapped the photo ^^

Thats all for this week!

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