Friday, October 12, 2012

Cakes, Clothes and Food Galore

29th September, Saturday

Met up with primary school friends to celebrate me and xy's birthday.

Guess what i received?...

A thousand and one lip glosses. Sigh, when am i going to finish them?

The cup looked SO tiny that me and SH decided to get the biggest size. Their biggest size looked like it was just enough to fill two people only. To our surprise, the ice cream head is bigger than the body!! MASSIVE SERVING enough for four people. Yum yum~ I dont feel like saying the place out because 1) you probably know it 2) It is now on my list of favourite dessert place so i dont want to people to know about it. Heh.

Went for a movie afterwards. Its called The Wolf Children. Honestly when we decided to watch the movie, it was based on a coin flip and i was really hesitant about the movie. AND it was a Japanese animation. Sure, i enjoyed anime in sec sch but spending money on a movie ticket? I am very particular about watching a movie in theatre that doesnt make my money worth it. So far only movies like X-Men, Avengers, Liar Game, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, Confessions, Inception etc have been worthwhile. These are movies that has amazing plot AND visual direction - the two most important thing i look out for in a movie. And The Wolf Children, well that doesnt sound like it would fall into any of the category. And i cant appreciate animation (the pains to craft out the details) AT ALL.

But i really liked the movie. I am undecided if it is worthy to be on my list but i just liked it. It is definitely not a show that everyone would love. In fact i would daresay non-Japanese anime lover would most likely find it boring. It is not a story whereby it has a definite beginning, climax and resolution. It is simply just a... story. A recount on how this family weathered the storm together.

Obviously it did not fall into either of the category that i mentioned and towards the end it got draggy but somehow i liked it. I cant explain it but maybe sometimes simplicity simply works. (Oh just found out that it beat Brave for its debut week in Japan and that the director was the person who directed Girl Who Leapt Through Time.)

BBQ at night. I would like to stop eating BBQ buffet. I have ate SO MANY BBQ's within this/last year that i am sick of it. I need to try something new.

Dessert afterwards. Er sinful day much?

2nd October, Tuesday

So i wrote on my calendar that i had a dinner with someone BUT I CANT REMEMBER WHO OR WHAT. Omg see. This is why i need a blog to keep track of things. I cant even remember who i met last week D:

Ok i remembered. I met up with XX and Shirleen. Its been a longggg time, man. Had a good talk with them (Y). I really enjoy sitting down and talking to friends. Especially those who i havent met for a long time (:

I did take pictures of the food but im too lazy to transfer haha. And the rest of the photos are with XX which she did not upload. 

3rd October, Wednesday

DD treated lunch cause it she just joined the team. The bread was awwwweeesooooome. The salmon was awwwweessooooome. The chicken breast was extremely awwweesssooome. The cake was... awwwfuuul. Ok the cake is alright but the weird thing beside it made me want to puke. The other time i ever tried something so nasty was at TCC @ Holland V when Nat decided to join us girls. It was after knowing our internship results and i was drowning my sorrows in cakes.

LG @ night.

 LG and then Cafe Cartel. Damn it, i am srsly lousy when it comes to guessing games. I have no luck AT ALL. That time we played Zhong Ji Mi Ma. I continuously lost for like 5 times! Then Cai Quan i continuously lost 3 rounds.

Whatever that i choose will turn out to be wrong. Even when i try to use reverse psychology. Like i want to choose A but in the end i choose B because i know that what i want will be wrong but in the end B is the wrong answer =.=

I really like my hair in the above picture. FOR ONCE, IT LOOKS TAMED. But my friends say i look old )':

Wednesday was a good food day hehe ^^

4th October, Thursday

Accidentally stumbled into this restaurant at the shopping mall near Farrer Park MRT. Oh my god. It is so cheap and good. At first when me and seyong looked at the price we were shell shocked. Then i was saying, "Aiyo, scarli the food taste bad man,"


IT WAS SO YUMMY. Seyong ordered some baked rice which i think is great except it was a tad too cheesy. We also ordered the focaccia and sausages to share. I have to say. THE FOCACCIA WAS DAMN GOOD. Yuuuuummmm. And i obviously ordered the squid ink pasta which is sooo goooood.

Look at our black lips hohohoho.

I dont look like me right??? I think i look like a monkey. MONCHICHI LOL. Anyway i kept doing the duck lips because i want to show you guys how black it is. But... here's one in full glory.

HEHEHE. Damn disgusting right? LOLOLOLOL. Imagine the other customers looking at me sia :P And my leg swelled up when i got home. I have always been a healthy child. I have never had a nosebleed and the only time i was admitted to a hospital was when i was born. The worst thing that ever happened to me was fainting in PRIMARY school. Otherwise, i have always been healthy. So sad that out of nowhere i got a swollen ankle ): Maybe it was because i was wearing heels the previous day. But if you are my good friend, you would know i only have a pair of heels and er, its only like 1.5 cm tall. HAHAHA.

5th October, Friday

Went out with other interns to discover cool places near my workplace to eat. There are many shops under the HDB flats leh! Like got ang ku kuehs, bean curd and cakes... in a jar!

The concept damn cool right? I get to keep my jar hoho. Unfortunately, only the packaging is worth praising. The cakes are just... meh. The Cake Princesses have tried better ;) Ok here's my posing with the signboard. Never knew my legs were so long man. Or maybe because i wore jeans that day. Hmmm.

6th October, Saturday

Saturday nothing much. Oh except that when i was preparing to go church, Cyril suddenly called me asking me where i was. Turns out he rented a car (again) and was near the east so he wanted to fetch me since it was along the way. Zih Wei was in the car before me and i thought it was Debbie cause she sounded like her on the phone!! Anyway, Cyril used this really cool 3D navigation app in his phone. Omg, it is so cute and cool that i cant even-

Though nothing special happened, i just wanted to say i realised how much church means to me now. I missed service last week because i went out to celebrate my birthday. I felt really sad because it is what i look forward to every week. AND THE BEST PART WAS THAT CN WAS ON STAGE THAT DAY. NOOOOOOOO!

If you dont know, CN is a leader whom i really liked. Not in any romantic ways because he is taken but i just feel that he is so cool. He is quite charismatic ;) He hardly appears on stage and it has been a few months. And he just had to take on the stage when im not there ):

Anyway... everyday just passes so quickly and my life is so hectic. When i go for service, i feel much better because i get to focus on what's important and really find myself instead of getting sweep along with the world. 

The No. 1 thing that i look forward to at service is P&W. In the past, i would feel guilty for liking P&W so much. I mean come on, if you compare listening to pastor preach or have a sing-along session in a concert-like setting, obviously it would be the latter right? I felt bad because it felt like i was going to church to have fun lol. But then i realized that its ok to prefer P&W over sermon. 

P&W is a time where we intentionally open our hearts to let the Holy Spirit move freely around and stir us from the inside whereas sermon is simply a pastor interpreting what God has to say. Obviously when you communicate with a friend, you'd rather do it face to face than having a mediator in between right?

So after thinking through i dont feel bad for looking forward to P&W every service anymore. Not that i dont like sermon la. Hehe.

7th October, Sunday

Went for Happy Trail event in the morning. I was running around and then... i saw my junior, Keith. HAHA, it was so awkward. He was standing in front of me and looking at me and i was trying not to look at him because i had to talk to someone else and if i looked at him and confirmed that he was someone i knew, i would need to address him. In the end we communicated through hand signals when the event started and we were both standing at the opposite sides. Haha.

FINALLY. FINALLY. FINALLY. Met up with the girls on Sunday. It has been a month since i met them. They have been meeting up every week and im have always somehow not been able to meet them. Either because other friends booked me for that day or when im free, they are not or because i always end work on time but they dont etc.

Bought cupcakes for them cause i felt bad. Idk if this outing was considered my bday celebration or not because it is so ambiguous and XW wasnt there but lol, my mom kept complaining, "Walao. How many weeks has it been since your birthday? How long you want to celebrate?" 


Murtabak then my favourite dessert place. I need to find a new favourite soon because the current place is getting way too popular. I am happy yet sad at the same time ):

*Inserts Anginn's picture here because i think she looks pretty.

2 Murtabaks, 1 brownie, 1 crepe = less than $15 each between the 4 of us. Cheap and good ^^

8th October, Monday

Went for a talk which is supposedly informative for me. Which, it turned out to be. Anyway, there is a bunch of interns who came in the same day as i did. I was in a completely different department and i didnt know any of them so i pretty much didn't stay in contact with any of them. Besides, i somehow managed to make friends with other temps from a whole lot of departments. LOL.

So it was awkward travelling with the interns since they knew each other except for me. And in awkward situation what do you do? PRAY THAT YOU WILL NOT HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO TALK AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.

And that's what i did. The speakers were setting up and this guy, instead of talking to his RP friends, he just remained silent beside me. Based on my previous encounters and observations of him, he is not a quiet person. So i was praying and praying that he wont pluck up any courage at all to talk to me. I relaxed after a longgggg time and that i saw his body slightly turning away from me from my peripheral vision. 

So i began to examine the classroom i was in because it was one of my choice (ok actually it is THE only choice) for my uni course. Within less than 10 seconds of being comfortable in my zone, the guy started talking to me. 

"You're very quiet," he stated matter-of-factly.

I just looked at him and replied ok but at this point my lips were twitching because i wanted to laugh. Quite a few people at work actually think that i am an introvert which is HILARIOUS. If they describe me as an introvert to my friends, i swear that everyone will burst out laughing. Me? Introvert? Claps. Sure i am very quiet around certain people but that doesnt mean im an introvert. The only reason why I'm quiet is because 1) i have no need and/or interest in knowing you.

Usually at this point, most people will awkwardly turn away right? But like i said, this guy is not the quiet type. So he continued and asked me if i would like to have a conversation. To which i politely rejected. AND THEN, he awkwardly shifted away from me.

HAHAHAHA it is damn funny sia! I went for a run at night. My internet was down and I decided to fast on dramas and movies so i had nothing to do. So just exercise lor.

9th October, Tuesday

Lunchtime shepherding with YH. She brought me to this really nice chinese restaurant near my workplace (I swear there are a lot of good food near it) and we had a meaningful talk.

Combined LG @ Aik Hau's house at night. His mom cooked for us! Kok Soon must have enjoyed it a lot hahahaha! Steamboat at Seyong's house next!

10 October, Wednesday

Met up with the girls together with Nabila, Bernie and Tanya. I had a good time just sitting at a food court, talking away.

11th October, Thursday

My colleagues invited me to climb the stairs of The Pinnacle and so i did. Oh my god. 50 storeys. I am the kind of person who strongly believes in mind over matter. I really hate to say "aiya very tired. i cannot continue anymore" when it comes to exercising because that's just a stupid excuse. If you condition your brain to think that your body is tired, of course you will feel tired la. I managed to climb 50 storeys without stopping and come on, its not like im very fit.

I did slow down significantly after 30 floors because by then my legs were so strained. I thought i was never going to make it but i just kept pushing myself. Actually the interval between 30 and 40 storey was quite fast. In a blink of an eye, i was at the 40th level. The hardest part was the last 10 storeys. But once i got to the top, the air ventilation was so good and the wind was soooooo strong. Shiok ah!

Going to do this weekly i think.

And then when i came back from work, i went for a jog. Usually i would jog 2 rounds but since today i did vertical climbing, i decided to cut myself some slack. Vertical climbing is much more painful than running ok. My legs were burning like mad.

Ok, so i think i have completed my update for the past 1.5 weeks. Whew. A lonnnnggggg post man. See? I srsly dont know why i am so busy. I am always meeting friends but its not like i have a lot of friends to meet!!! Dont even have time for myself, omg.

My OOTD for last week before i go. I managed to last 3 weeks without repeating any of my clothes (except for jeans whic i dont think counts la). Alignment off because im lazy to fix it. Prolly not going to do OOTDs anymore cause i srsly ran out of clothes hahahaha.


The bottom left should be the last pic haha. You know the last pic ^? It's actually my mother's skirt but i wore it as a dress instead. She thought i bought new clothes again. So i was telling her "Aiyo how can you not know what clothes you have?" and she said the last time she wore it was during my 1 year old birthday.


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