Monday, August 25, 2014

Letting go

You say that you cannot relate to me as you did in the past any longer because the dynamics of our relationship has changed as we are in different life stations. With a sinking feeling, i realised it is true. I can no longer be your pillar of support, i can no longer fight side by side with you. As much as my heart wants to share your load you carry for the cross, the truth is that both of us have physically move on. Neither of us are in the position to be the first aid for each other now. All we can do is to watch each other from afar and look on as somebody else rushes in in replacement of us. Standing at the different points of our lives with different perspectives, i can only hope our views will somehow converge. And even if it doesnt, may you never see me as an opposition but as someone who wants to help by being your eyes in your blind spots.

You are someone i dearly love but the sad truth is that people drift away and relationships are never stagnant and that the past will forever be the past. Where you are, i am not. And i highly doubt you can find me at where you will be. I suppose its a temporal goodbye until we cross the finish line.

Then again...
By then, the dynamics of our friendship would change once and forevermore, wouldnt it?

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