Thursday, August 22, 2013

Cafes: Artease / Pitchstop / Palette

More food. This is seriously turning into a food blog.

Above food are all found in various parts of NTU.

Friends are always fasinated by how i always have so much money to eat. I also sometimes surprised myself because i honestly do not have a lot of money. After analysing, there is only one conclusion: I dont save. This is a really bad thing. I honestly need learn how to save my money or else im going to be starve sooner or later.

Today is Thursday. Thursday is by far, my favourite school day because i only have one one hour lecture which only starts at 330. Which means i have the whole of the morning and early afternoon to laze around my room... and i am doing exactly that right now. As i am typing this, i am on my bed with my pajamas. Heh. The bad part? I have been doing my readings all morning and my brain is about to burst.

I really enjoy living in a dorm. Maybe i should be more active in hall activities in hope of staying in a hall next year. I have not been a very social person since stepping into uni. I refused to go for any camps or orientations. In fact, i did not even step into NTU once before school started except when i had to move in my clothes and stuff. On the first day of class, i did not know anyone and i was more than ok to stay that way. But two girls came and sat beside me and i realised that one of them was in the same tutorial group as me. That was pure luck. Some people simply cannot find their tutorial mates despite knowing a lot of people. And i am so lucky because i realised my church friend lives two rooms away from me. And everywhere i go, i see people i know from poly. Whoever said that it is hard for poly students to enter uni must have not known many friends back in poly days. The best part is this: i found out that my cousin's friend is also in sociology year 1. I am just amazed how everything fell into place, i suppose.

Ok, gotta get back to my readings. And cook myself some ramen for lunch. You'd better make ramen your best friend if you are a poor student like me.

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