Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cafe: Tiong Bahru Bakery / Book (Preview): Objects Of Affection

Caught up with my friends at Tiong Bahru Bakery. It seems that i cant stray away from smoked salmon as my choice for brunch. I ordered Malassi burger (??? i cant remember the name) and Kougn... something something? Its like a glazed cinnamon roll which is supposedly what the cafe is known for.

The burger had HEAPS of herbs which was extremely fragrant but at one point, it got a little too much. The cinnamon roll thing was yummy as well. Too bad that Tiong Bahru Bakery is on the pricer side so i wont be able to frequent it often though i really enjoyed the food there ):

Went to Books Actually next and got myself a copy of What Gives Us Our Names and Objects Of Affections. I raved about WGUON to some of my friends and they are successful converts! Love the book so much. OOA is similar to WGUON, depicting inanimate things as affectionate objects, personifying them. Can't wait to devour the book.

Weekends always fly by so fast. Second week of school tomorrow. That's when the real fight begin.

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