Sunday, August 25, 2013

He's alive and I'm alive.

To introduce us to one another, one of my professor played a game. We had to answer the question on the cue card that we took. The question on my cue card was this: If you could travel back in time which historical event would you want to visit and why? The moment i saw my question, i remembered an interview i saw where this guy got the same question and his reply was that he wanted to travel back to the time where Jesus was crucified because it would answer many questions of his.

I hesitated for a moment. I tried to think of another answer but i could not. The stares from my peers and prof was getting uncomfortable so i just blurted out, "Oh, i would like to go back to the time where Jesus was crucified. Because i am a Christian, so if i were to witness this event, it would prove that what i believe is true. If not, then well, my belief is false. So its like a confirmation of my faith,"

The moment the last few words escaped my mouth, i immediately regretted it. I regret it up till now. I should have thought through my answer carefully. Yes, i would like to witness the event. But no, it is not to confirm my faith. I have never been so sure about anything in my life. I cant even explain the feeling... this certainty that drums through my entire being and my soul. It makes me want to stomp my foot and pump my arm in the air. I have no doubt that Jesus died and rose 3 days later. 

I am absolutely convinced of this victory. 

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