Saturday, September 7, 2013

Never say goodbye. Goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.

I have been busy writing (one) essay, preparing for presentation and going through all amazing concepts and ideologies. It feels like poly all over again. I loved my tertiary education so much. I studied what i liked and i had amazing memories. And i am doing the same thing now. I never knew what sociology was before i got into the course but im loving it now. The rush of deadlines, tumblring during lectures, staying up at night trying to understand Adam Smith, Marx, Weber etc. Its only been like, a month? And i feel like my eyes have been opened because of what im studying. Like what i study is useful and not just something professional and niche... am i making sense? I feel productive and happy. It feels great to be doing what i love. Can education never end?
Last week's lunch at Food For Thought. It was such a beautiful piece of bacon BUT IT IS SO EXPENSIVE. August has been an extremely extravagant month for me. I am now reduced to being a poor student.

Midnight supper. I lead an unhealthy lifestyle. I ate KFC the next day and Mcdonalds again the day after.
Morning worship session and breakfast with CT. Times like these make waking up at 730am worth it.

It is starting to rain frequently in Singapore. Fall is creeping in. This means 2 things. Sweater weather is back. And time to bid goodbye to friends studying in UK. An unlikely friendship (to me) blossomed within 3 years. I cherish the relationship even more because of this. Shaf has been such a genuine and funny friend, not to mention an absolute cutie, who always invited us over for good food. I was choking while sending her off because i know i will miss her so much. And because she's the 3rd friend that i've sent off and i miss all my "clique" dearly. I miss T's snide remarks, i miss teasing her about her boobs. I miss XW laughing maniacally and her dirty brain. I miss Shaf's awkward face. 

Even 2 years seem like forever.

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