I cannot believe that my last post was dated 2 months ago. Seriously, where did all the time go? It's scary how busy life can get. You know how, to maximise time, some people will do their work-unrelated stuff while commuting? Like catch up on texts or settle ministry stuff or do daily reflections etc? I used to be like that. But recently, I've come to a point where I'm so drained that I don't want to use my brain cells at all during my precious break time. So everything else just piled up and soon, I have a long to-do list. Which is very uncharacteristic of me because I'm the kind of person who will find the most efficient way to do things.
I had a day off to myself yesterday to just be a recluse and I came to a conclusion that I need to take leave every now and then to keep myself sane. It really feels good to simply disconnect from the world for 24 hours and simply hole up at home. And now I have the energy to reply messages and work on my backlog haha. I think instead of saving my leaves for travelling, I'm going to schedule leaves for personal time-off and then arrange a holiday with whatever's left.
To all who have yet entered the working force, let me tell you that work can suck so much energy from you so always remember to recharge yourself by plugging back to God. Like really spend quality time with Him. You'll need it.
And the highlight for the past few months definitely has to be meeting Hillsong Young and Free! I mean, I don't advocate idolising worship bands but you really have to give it to Hillsong for consistently topping themselves, breaking new grounds and pushing Christianity to the limelight for the world to see.
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