Wednesday, May 31, 2017


6.14 am.

That was the time that flashed on my screen when i first awaken on the last day of my grad trip. I climbed out of the bed and paced around the house. The villa was quiet. Everyone else was still sleeping.

I reached the garden patio before i knew it. The garden was the only place i had yet to explore since arriving and according to photos from a friend whom had instagrammed the entire villa, it was huge and beautiful. I stood at the edge for a few moments, contemplating if i should get my feet dirty. Ah, heck it. It's my last day anyway, i thought to myself and took the first step.

My feet pressed against the soft, wet ground. The morning dew was cold and it stripped the warmth from my feet but the view ahead of me compensated for the chill. Florals of all sorts and colours littered the garden. At one corner, there was a burst of red and on another, a crown of greens. I walked around and marvelled at the work of the gardener. At one point of time, i decided to stop and peer carefully at a flower. But what really caught my attention was not the sight in front of me; It was what was happening underneath me that stole my focus. As i was standing still, the ground beneath my feet became warm. I was cursing my luck at first to be standing so specifically at a spot that some animal had peed on when i found myself experiencing the same thing on another patch where i stood to examine another bunch of flowers once again. I somehow found the experience interesting and in that very moment, i knew God was speaking to me.

There are always risks involved when it comes to changes - especially if the change is to somewhere new or unknown to you. And even after you make the decision to take that leap of faith, you can still get cold feet while treading on the path. But stand there long enough and it will warm up to you; walk around that enough and you may even eventually enjoy it. No longer will your feet be cold because they will be comforted by the slow heat emitting from the soil. Your feet will be dirty but your eyes will be rewarded with the scenery of your life.

I was pondering all these to myself when the rays of the sun suddenly cascaded upon the entire garden. Sunrise. I lifted my head from my feet and looked. Beyond the garden was a mountain enshrouded within the moving clouds. It was a view to behold. Out there lies a greater garden tended by the greatest Gardener.

What a finale for my grad trip. Thank you God for the reminder, i whispered, as i close the uni season and begin to start the next chapter of my life.

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