Sunday, May 14, 2017


I am about to go off to Indonesia for 2 weeks and i realised it's high time i get the photos from my last year's backpacking trip to Italy out on this blog.

Here goes.

Somewhere in July last year i went backpacking (well, sorta) with my aunts, cousins and grandma. It was hot. Very, very hot. I got so tanned that i was unable to wear my foundation for a few weeks when i got back to Singapore because it was too pale for me. And we had to walk. A lot. If you were wondering how my grandma could have sustained... well that was because she was on a wheelchair and we were the ones pushing her.

Anyway, our first stop was Rome.

(Ok, that's it. I give up. I was trying to label the names of the places i went with the help of a map that i brought back but my memory is so bad that the map is of no help at all. Just enjoy the pictures and the occasional text la hor.)

My favourite building. 
I don't really know how to appreciate man made structures but this? This is really beautiful. It is so grand that this photo does it no justice.

Favourite photo of my favourite building.
I know this. Colosseum. HAHA.
Pizza is my boyfriend? Bullshit. Why choose pizzas when there is bar chor mee, cai tao gui, xiao long bao??? My tastebuds are obviously very Chinese but seriously. Pizzas? What's so great about them? Never got the hype, even when I was eating handmade pizzas from the motherland of pizzas. "It tastes better than Pizza Hut." was what I could come up with when my friend who was super excited for me texted to ask how were the pizzas. Needless to say, I got reprimanded. "How could you compare this to Pizza Hut?!?!?!" she floundered.

Pizza is just pizza lor... And it's not even cheap nor filling. That is, until a few days later when i ate the BEST PIZZA OF MY ENTIRE LIFE.

But we'll get there.

(ok i lost the photo of the pizza shop but it was literally the best and cheapest pizza i ever had in my entire life. SGD4 for 8 slices of pizza! I ate the entire box myself hehe.)

Around Italy you will find many drinking taps where you can refill your bottles and consume it or just drench yourself to cool your body down.

Ok guys. If you are in Rome, you HAVE to come here to eat. Why? Because it is fairly cheap for the gigantic portions served and let me tell you this: Once you eat the Carbonara here, you can never eat Carbonara in Singapore the same way again. It is that good. Their Carbonara is yellow (not white hor!). Super yellow, in fact. The other main difference is that the spaghetti is dry as opposed to the creamy Carbonaras in Singapore so you will not feel gelat even after finishing the entire plate. Gosh, I am salivating already. 

The restaurant is not exactly near the tourist area so it will take some time and effort to locate them. But trust me, it is worth it. We spent 1 - 2 hours searching for this eatery (we were very, very lost because it was a last minute recommendation by a friend and we had no exact address nor specific directions on how to get there) and we almost want to give up but we were so glad that we didn't. Cheap, authentic and filling. What more could anyone ask for? We were so satisfied and happy.

This is not even a tourist attraction. It is simply a normal bridge. #spoilmarket.
Part of a - you guessed it - bridge.
Random roof of a roadside building.
Ok I know this. Trevi Fountain. You can't really see the fountain because the monument is so big that i cant fit everything on my screen. 

So weird to look at myself from a year back. My hair was so short!!
Michaelangelo's David

There are lots of pickpockets in Venice and my aunt almost had her handphone stolen on this bridge! The entire episode was so dramatic. One moment I was talking to my cousin and the next, she ran all the way up the bridge, started yelling at this young girl and grabbed something out of her hands. I was initially too shocked to process anything but turns out, the young girl took my aunt's handphone out of her bag!

Juliet's (from Romeo and Juliet) room.
Ok yes that's it. Heading off to the airport soon. See you guys in 2 weeks time :)

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