Friday, April 7, 2017


Starting June, I will be working at as a full time staff. A full time minister.

I can't believe this is actually happening.

Those who have been part of this journey of mine would know that this decision hasn't been easy for me. And to be honest, I didn't even fully let on the extent of the tug o war in my heart. It was such a battle. The entire decision making process started and ended with tears.

I want to document my emotional trajectory on this blog - I have been doing so in my phone - of how this decision came to be because I know that there will be times in the future when I start to waver and lose sight of why I said yes in the first place. I want to be able to look back and remind myself the reasons that propelled me once and will propel me once again when needed.

I also hope this will encourage you to live up to God's calling for yourself, especially into the field of full time ministry. The struggle is real when the place (you think) you want to be is not the place God wants you to be. Even if you are sure of God's calling in your life, there will be times when doubts plague your mind. Been there, done that.

Meanwhile, be faithful wherever you are. You never know where that might lead you :)

A #thirst tag can be found at the bottom of all related posts for easy tracking.

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