Saturday, March 25, 2017


I secretly like to watch people worship during worship.

It started a few years ago at a church conference. Back then, I was all about singing from the top of my lungs and throwing myself into a passionate frenzy for God. While in the midst of bellowing the lyrics, I heard God said to me to stop singing.

I stopped and opened my eyes.

And for the first time I really saw how people worship. I mean, i've seen the scene before but i had never really taken a good look at it. Hands were raised, faces were lit. And that guy right there? That prideful guy? Even he was surrendering to God in worship.

It was such an amazing sight.

It felt like a glimpse of heaven. It reminded me that when we come face to face with God, even the most powerful/successful/prideful person can't help to bow down like Moses who met God in the mountains; Job, in the whirlwind; and John, his dreams.

I also heard the sound of an united body of Christ singing. When the worship leaders pull their mike away from their mouths and all you here is just the voices of the entire church singing their love song to God... that moment is just wow.

During KI, there was this old grandpa who was wheeled in by an usher. After helping him out from his wheelchair and onto his seat, I overheard the usher saying, "I'll be right here if you need anything." And he really stayed beside the grandpa throughout the entire service. I thought to myself, "Wow this guy is seriously old, man." When the worship started, the grandpa stood up. One song. Another song. Then another song. Song after song, he remained standing.

He was motionless at first. I guess when you're old, you don't have the energy to keep up with the upbeat worship songs that the crowd favours. The grandpa probably didn't even know the songs. But when the climax came, I saw him lifting his hands and mouthing the lyrics.

He, too, was belting out his own melodies to God.

And finally, when worship drew to an end, he clapped and then took his seat.

My face were stained with tears by then - not because the worship songs moved me - but because the grandpa's worship unto God had touched me.

On another occasion, I witnessed this lady who worshipped in sign language. I was mesmerised. Half the time, my eyes trailed from the lyrics on screen to watching her worship. The thing with expressing emotions with the body is it feels so free and uninhibited - which is also why I enjoy watching people breaking out in dance during worship as well. The entire body is simply thrown into responding to God's presence. The lady's worship climaxed when she prostrated herself with her upturned palms and her face buried under the ground. It was an act of complete adoration and surrender and reverential fear.

She gave herself entirely.

I wonder how many of us worship like that with our words. I wonder if it's even possible to express to that extent with words. There's something beautiful about worshipping with actions. It's a full body commitment.

Another thing that i've learnt during KI is to dispense more hugs and kisses. We can be so quick to admonish that our correction drums out the reason why we are doing it in the first place - out of love. And sometimes a touch can convey what a thousand words cannot.

Also, my favourite song from KI and for the season:

1 comment :

  1. it was good reading your blog..stay happy stay blessed:)
