Tuesday, December 20, 2016


I have been trying to start a new habit: To take the time out to jot my thoughts down while commuting. There are 2 main reasons for doing this. Practically, i need to practice how to form my thoughts into words in a more efficient manner. I find that i am taking too long to write an article because it's difficult for me to articulate what's going on in my head out loud. I also want to be more conscious of what i'm going through and what God is trying to teach me through my daily experiences. For too long, i have been zoning out whenever i have the free time (usually while commuting) because life often requires me to alert and on task and im just like so done. Reflection is then important because it makes sure i don't just go through the motion of doing life without fully living it.

The problem is, i am still taking quite some time to channel out my thoughts and feelings. My reflections are, more often than not, half-written and i get lazy to go back and edit it. And so i have a few drafts stored in my hand phone. I was just looking through it and i realised that there has been a consistent message throughout the month unbeknownst to me at the point of writing. Gonna work at it to push them out on this platform.

This post is pretty meaningless. To make up for it, here is my personal curation of Christmas songs and (i know this isn't Christmas-y but it's too addictive help!!) a Chinese song that i've been listening to as i work. Enjoy!

ㄧ个人的时候 在陌生的街头 抬头看着繁星夜垂的天空
I know I know 地球另一端有你陪我
谢谢你鼓励我 勇气是你给我 让我迈开脚步一起往前走
I know I know 你是我的OK绷 在每一个时候

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