Sunday, February 21, 2016


Went to Rollie Ollie to eat on Monday. Mmm, i love their sushi (SO GOOD) although i don't recommend the salad because it is not worth the price.

Juenie juen juen, do you know you're such a scatterbrain? I find it hilarious how you can jump from topic to topic at such a lightning speed because you really speak your mind and your mind is all over the place hahaha. Thanks for being a wonderful friend to me! Honestly, i don't really know why you'd consider me a good friend because i don't think i did anything exceptionally touching or deserving of it. I also cannot pinpoint when we became good friends. Was it when we served together for NYC camp? When we were in the same LG? Was it when we dubsmashed? When we hugged each other? My memory eludes me but thank you for always including me in your life and for being interested in in mine haha. A little sad that you took down your blog :( Need to find a new way to plug myself into your life now :'(

The LGL family went to Minds Cafe on Friday. It was raining so heavily that day yet all of us persistently made our way down to that cosy corner of Prinsep Street :') After 2 rounds of Fish Eats Fish, we decided to play something more chill. "Let's play some cooperative game" said one. "Yes, let's find something less stressful," agreed another... And they came back with Jenga Boom and Woodman. HAHAHA.

Still, i left after a great session of laughing. Seasons In The Sun was playing in the cafe as we were leaving (God, was that you?? Haha). For too long, it felt like all of us were engrossed in our own LGs and our own struggles. I've always sensed a huge discrepancy between my SP and my NYC ministry. I had a lot of fun serving during my SP ministry and it didn't feel like hard work most of the time even when there were many crisis. All of us ran together hand in hand (and i wasn't even a leader back then) and I think that was why even when we had hurdles, it didn't seem all that bad.

I was sharing my thoughts to some of the LGLs and they had the same sentiments too. So i am glad that we are now taking initiative to foster bonds between one another. Last Friday night was a good start. Let's continue to warm up to each other and put the 'family' in the NYC LGL Family.

It seems that God was using this week to bring me back to my past - before NYC; before ministry started to get the better of me; before i only related to people in working terms; before i fenced myself up. I was reminded of who i was and how ministry should look like and how warm people are. I don't know if it is possible for me to ever revert back completely but i am thankful for this week, thankful for the people who patiently waited for me and apologetic to those who got hurt in the process.

And to many others who are like me - being aloof or cynical is not natural or what you need, even if you think it is. I can understand how the drudgery of life and people takes a toll on us and how we can be tricked into thinking that we just want to distance ourselves. But God designed us for communion. We can never make it alone. Situations and circumstances may sometimes make it hard for us to open up to others but let's not forget that walking the path of solitude is the real toll.

And as with all other fears, taking the first step is the hardest but once you've crossed the line, you'll looked back and see that there was nothing much to fear in the first place.

Jiayou everyone!

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