Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sun shine on down, ease our troubles now

So there was this sale at Bible Society of Singapore and i ended up getting a lot books than expected. And i found CS Lewis series!! The books with the jagged edges and all. I was so excited that i read it even before i smelt it (I love smelling new books yum yum). But The Problem Of Pain is such a difficult book to read. I've only started on a few pages and i want to give up already T_T

As part of my "spend more time with family" campaign, i stayed over at my grandma's house for a few days. Made lao ban tao huey (damn easy lol) and some cupcakes which i think tasted quite delicious! Craving for more cupcakes now.

I love garlic and herb. They taste so gooooood together!!! I wish i can eat Garlic Prawn Pancakes every morning!

Bangkok in a few more hours! SHOPPING!!!! I have been controlling myself from shopping, ITS TIME TO SET THE BEAST INSIDE OF ME FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WOOHOO!

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