Tuesday, December 18, 2012

wait. wait. wait.

Monday, 10th Dec
Ate at Chilli's and goodness their food are so delicious BUT THEY MAKE YOU FEEL GUILTY LIKE MAD AFTERWARDS.

I am not kidding. The amount of beef, fries and bacon (their bacons are dunked in sugar, no joke) is crazy. I love their food but one meal can easily share by 2 people. And this is coming from someone who eats a lot.
I exercised at night. I haven't been exercising because i have been busy with work ):

Tuesday, 11th Dec
  The yummiest foodcourt Korean food.

Wednesday, 12th Dec
Olive Vine. I am going to stop my spaghetti craze because im getting sick of it.

Friday, 14th Dec

Korean food... again. I love Korean food but i have been eating so much Korean food this year!! BBQ, BBQ and more BBQ. They all kind of taste the same to me now.

Kopi-Milo which Hanyang introduced to me.

Saturday & Sunday, 15th & 16th Dec
Sleepover for LOTR marathon although i didnt get to see most of it - everyone was talking - and almost died the next day. Prata for brunch, The Hobbit and then Werewolf Boy.

I thought i would cry during Werewolf Boy but surpringsly, i didn't. I was really surprised because I SWEAR EVERYONE ELSE IN THE THEATRE WAS CRYING. Sniffiling noises left, right, front, back. But what threw me off was that when the movie ended, i was sooooo pissed off and angry. And the fact that im the only one who is mad (everyone else was touched and crying) made me angrier. Ok spoilers ahead for people like XX and Kahcheng who might want to watch the movie.
Srsly, the ending was so super slow. It took 2 minutes just for the girl to walk from one door to another (in the barn) and when she came back many years later, she walked to the barn again. I was thinking to myself, "Omg. There are 2 doors. How long is she going to take???" And so she walked reaaaaaaaally slowly and when she got to the second door and almost opened it, she decided to turn and walk away reaaaaaaally slowly. And after walking away, she decided to turn back and open the 2nd door. In my mind i was literally screaming, "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR ALREADY!!!!"

That was the moment i was super pissed. The scene that took place behind the 2nd really pushed way above my limits because its so unfair for the guy!! Everyone just thought of how sad the love is between the two of them and how torn apart they were and how touching the reunion scene was BUT NOBODY THOUGHT OF THE GUY! The girl asked him to wait knowing that he really would but she didnt even bother coming back to check until 47 years later - and that is only because she got a call to sell her house.

=.= Then you write that letter to ask the guy to wait for what? I really wished that the scene was all but a fraction of imagination conjured by the girl's mind but it was not. Zzzzzzz.
It was the first time a movie could make me so angry. But honestly speaking, the script was not bad and the acting was amazinggggg, especially Song Joong Ki. I am not kidding, the acting skills really wowed me. I suppose i wont mind watching the movie again (honestly i dont hate the movie i just hate the ending) just for his acting. I cant comprehend how can someone act so much like a dog! Honestly.

So yup, that concludes last week.

I realised this post is entirely on food. My life has reached the point where it revolves around food more than people.

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