Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Dear God, you're the only north star i would follow this far

It's Christmas again! This marks my... 3rd year with Christ??? Wow, that's fast!! I feel very blessed ^^ Especially when i have such a loving spiritual family. People who tolerate me, who accept me, who love me, who argue with me, who make fun of me, who grow with me. Not only that, these are people who are serving God and running the same race as me (:

Back in 2011.

I was telling Joy that i was hungry so she stretched out her arm, not knowing i would actually bite it. Haha. Er Yu coincidentally snapped the picture. And now Joy would let me bite her arm whenever im hungry hehehehe ^^

Thank you Joy, for bringing so much laughter (literally because of you) into my life! You're such a kind hearted person who always know how to handle people when they are angry though i've never seen you angry before. You definitely have the spirit of gentleness in you (: I am not kidding that if you were really my sister i would hug and kiss you to death. Y U SO CUTE??? Y U NOT MY SISTER??? Thank you for letting me hug you (harass, as Hanyang would put it) non-stop. I will protect you! I will not let anyone steal you away from me, roaaaaaar!!!

To the brother who always insults and fight with me! I suppose in a way, you are the elder brother that ive always wanted but never did have. Haha, i know you treat me like a brother instead of a sister!! But thank you for always making me laugh, cracking lame jokes and all those insults!! Thank you for doting on me with random gifts. And i know that whatever you do for me, you always do it for the best of my interest (:

And also, Reynard... which i realised that i never take photo with him at all!!

Hanyang was an unexpected brother. You? I would have bet my life that i would never be close with you. I honestly dont know this friendship formed especially when we are the exact opposites. You're calm, I'm fiery; you're gentle, i'm aggressive; you're soft, i'm loud; you're slow, i come and go like a wind. Because of this, you're the only person excluding my family who can aggravate me so much.

I still remember there was one time i was so angry at you that when i talked to you on the phone, my voice was trembling and i cried because i was so furious and you were just so relaxed. Even after a week later, i was still very pissed off. Pastor Jeff was talking about spiritual family that service and i cant remember the exact details but everyone stood up, held hands and prayed together. The moment i opened my eyes from prayers, i wanted to run to find you and hug you and say, "Sorry for being angry. I forgive you." It was then i realised how much i love you as a brother although you always make me exasperated. It was then i realised that i've accepted you as my family because it is only family who can always agitate each other yet find ways to forgive.

Thank you Reynard, for being the only person in church who never wanted to change me, who accepts and love me the way i am although i am so "auntie"/"boyish"/"unglam"/ ostrich lady/ siao char bor/ whatever title you people bestowed on me to make my market value drop.
Heard from sources that Reynard has been badmouthing me behind my back!! HAHAHA WTH!! So much for "accepting" me for who i am.
Ah, seriously.

That's me with my reindeer headband and my awkward face. Will blog about my day-to-day life next time. Friends who hung out with me, dont worry - I will record all outings in this blog so that i will never forget the happy times spent!! Today, I just want to appreciate and count my blessings which i would not have if not for Christ since its His birthday.  

(Not that i dont love the people who are not mentioned in this post but Joy, Hanyang and Reynard are 3 church friends that i hold very close in my heart. And also because i feel like i grew so much closer to them this year. 2012 has been a very spirit-filled year for me ^^)

Merry Christmas everyone!

Bless the lord oh my soul 
Oh my soul 
Worship his holy name 
Sing like never before 
Oh my soul 
I worship your holy name 

The sun comes up 
It's a new day dawning 
It's time to sing your song again 
What ever may pass and whatever lies before me 
Let me be singing when the evening comes 

Bless the lord oh my soul 
Oh my soul 
Worship his holy name 
Sing like never before 
Oh my soul 
I worship your holy name 

You're rich in love and you're slow to anger 
Your name is great and your heart is kind 
For all your goodness i will keep on singing 
10,000 reasons for my heart to find 

Bless the lord oh my soul 
Oh my soul 
Worship his holy name 
Sing like never before 
Oh my soul 
I worship your holy name 

And on that day when my strength is failing 
The end draws near and my time has come 
Still my soul will sing your praise unending 
10,000 years and then forever more 

Bless the lord oh my soul 
Oh my soul 
Worship his holy name 
Sing like never before 
Oh my soul 
I worship your holy name 

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