Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy birthday to me

From Monday to Friday. See how drastic the change is from Monday to Tuesday? LOL. And on Thursday, i wore my mom's dress. It is a white dress with flower imprints on it though you cant see clearly. So pretty *o* Before she washed it, it had yellow stains because its been too long since my mom wore it. Honestly, i think my mom's fashion sense was not bad! I mean, for dresses to transcend over 20 years is no easy feat.


Office cafeteria, $2.60 for Yong Tau Foo... and i absolutely love Yong Tau Foo. YUMYUM. I found a drink shop that sells soya milk at Outram!! It's 90 cents only and its so yummmyyy. Better than our school's one. Super sweet and not fresh at all =.=

Supervisor bought me to Marche on Tuesday. Lunch set at $9.50 which is quite reasonable. Ordered the brownie too. When i took out the Marche card to pay, my supervisor suddenly shouted, "Hey!" and snatched my card away. I was totally blur and i thought i took the wrong card or something. Turns out she was treating me lol.

Shepherding at night. I was walking around Outram trying to find a cheap place to eat with Seyong and i discovered...

It is a super mini stall and it's not a common sight to see such stalls in Singapore so i decided to give it a try. BEST. RAMEN. EVER. FOR. $4.50.

Handmade on the spot. YUUUUUUM. Went back there next day for lunch and it was super crowded. So i went back to office to have my Yong Tau Foo haha.

Seyong wanted to go to Once Upon A Milkshake at Tanjong Pagar so we walked there. Luckily we had a good sense of direction, unlike that time when Reynold was trying to lead us. Srsly... we were going the OPPOSITE direction. Me and Seyong just blindly followed our instincts and it took us about 30 - 40 minutes to reach heh.



Strictly Pancakes for dinner on Wednesday. I loooooove the potato leek dont know what pancakes. I also love the prawns one (which we didnt order). It was their 2nd anniversary so we got 20% off! Yummy pancakes at affordable price too ^^


My aunts brought me, Abby, my sister and my grandma to Bistroquet to celebrate my dinner!

Go Banana and Whirl n Swirl.

My cake! There were only 2 cakes on the menu. Lava or white tiramisu and i ordered the lava. We requested from the waiter a lighter so we could light the candle. He took the candle and came back with...

FREE CAKEEEEEEEEEEE! It's the White Tiramisu. 

Sigh, the birthday girl looks unglam in all 3 pictures. AND LOOK AT MY GRANDMA. The whole entire time we were at the restaurant, she was plugged in to her iPod, listening to her cantonese operas. BAD ASS SIA. HAHAHA.

My grandma damn vain one ok. I discovered on her iPod that she tried to take pictures (and i think she accidentally took a video) of herself! LOL!!! But all blurry because whenever she tries to take a pic, her hands will tremble slightly. HAHAHA. Even auto-focus cant help. And look, me and my grandma has the same nose! I inherited that from her. Although i my nose is my least likable feature, i wouldnt change it for anything ^^


Celebration with my church friends after service! I was very surprised by the plans that they've made. Usually when we celebrate birthdays with ULG (consisting about 20 people) we will just dabao food to NLB and eat and play games. The birthday person will go celebrate with his/her LG (about 5 people) another day at a restaurant. So i was surprised when the ULG went to Real Food @ Clarke Quay just to celebrate my birthday!

I thought that was all but nope. Once i stepped out of Clarke Quay to the Singapore river, it suddenly hit me why they had to choose Clarke Quay to eat dinner.

A few months ago, i began to advertise that my birthday is coming soon because im thick skinned like that. I kept saying to my LG, "Eh you guys better plan my birthday ah! I expect a lot ok?" but obviously i was kidding la! Then Reynold kept asking if I'm afraid of heights and if i like to ride on roller coaster. I saw through his plans and said, "Why? You want to bring me to G-Max 5 for my birthday ah?"

But i was joking about having a grand celebration so i thought that Reynold was joking about the G-Max 5 too and i completely forgot about it. On Saturday before service, i showed off to Reynold my new dress. Reynold was like, "Oh shit, i forgot to tell you to not wear dress!" I replied, "Nvm la, i got shorts inside,"

I didnt think i was going on G-Max 5. I srsly completely forgot about it. I thought my celebration was just go NLB and play some games, like any other birthday celebration. So i thought it would be ok because how rough can a game be that you cant wear a dress with shorts inside right?

So when i stepped out of Clarke Quay and saw G-Max 5, everything came back to my mind. We walked closer and closer to G-Max 5 and i was thinking, "No way. No freaking way. I JUST ATE DINNER!!"

YH tried to throw me off by saying, "Eh your stomach still got space or not? I'm bringing you to a dessert shop," to which i reply, "Ya i still got space,"

SRSLY. The dessert shop turns out to be G-Max 5.

I managed to persuade DY and Ching Boon to ride G-Max 5 with me. Initially they wanted me to sit on it alone sia!! WTH. I was freaking out. But while waiting for Samuel and Alfred cabbed down just to watch me ride G-Max 5, i calmed down a little. And after the whole experience, i only have 1 word to say. "CHICKEN FEET!"

Haha its an inside joke between me and my aunt. Every time we travelled, we would go theme parks to ride heart-stopping roller coasters. At first we would be scaring ourselves out but when we come down from the rides, we would rolled our eyes and say, "CHICKEN FEET!"

G-Max 5 was the same. Really not scary at all! You can watch the video on my facebook because i think Ching Boon has privacy settings.

I went home with a box filled with styrofoam balls and cards. I had to dig and dig just to find the cards and i couldnt tell if i had found all the cards or not because the styrofoam balls covered it so well! I tried to dig deeper and guess what i found? COLOURED SAND. Lol srsly. Seyong included clips and a string for me to hang up the polariods and cards.

Funny thing about the polariods. Seyong brought her camera so that we could all take photos. So i took one with each person and gave it to them. The girls kept it. Most of the guys return theirs to me cause they scared when people checked their wallet, they will find my polariod with them. LOL. Only guys who were closer to me like Hanyang, Koksoon blahblahblah kept theirs. So in the end, the polariods that i hung up on my wall are taken with guys that im not close to...

HAHA, so awkward man.

My sister's presents for me are an eyeliner (which i've tested and for some reason its not good although the brand is quite well known. Have to try it again soon), a lip balm and a makeup remover ALL OF IT WHICH SHE WON. Claps. But i appreciate it laaa. 

Idk why people love giving me eyeliners. A few months ago, YH gave me a Topshop liquid eyeliner which im trying to finish using because i dont like it that much. It works perfectly fine except its not dark enough for my taste and it leaks. I really want to finish using my eyeliners and buy new ones but i think its going to take quite some time.

Wow, this week has been quite eventful huh? And omg. I'm 19. OMG.

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