Friday, September 28, 2012

love love love

It's my parents' 20th wedding anniversary today! For the first time in my 19 years of life, i know the date of my parents' anniversary lol. My family doesnt like to celebrate. A few weeks ago, my father asked me, "Eh, this Sunday (23rd Sept) your birthday right?"I got a shock. I was thinking how did he remember my birthday?? Then i realised it must be my mom who told him LOL. My parents dont celebrate my birthday with me. It has always been my aunts who bought me cakes and presents.

I dont know my father's birthday except that its somewhere in April whereas my mom's in March. I think its 25th. I dont know. I also dont know when is Mother's Day. Father's Day is easy cause its first June.

But i guess 20 years is a big deal and recently my mom likes to have family outings. So i brought them to this Japanese eatery because my mom wants to eat Japanese cuisine. Now, I have never been to that shop but everyday during my internship at Vocanic, i would see LONG LONG queues from 6pm to 8pm. Yup. So i went online and found out that it is actually a highly-raved place!

All i can say is that my parents love the food. Especially my father. For me i think its not bad. They have free flow of beansprouts and hard boil eggs. YES FREE FLOW OF EGGSSSSS! The beansprouts has a special taste seasoning to it. I was actually reminded of jellyfish - those you eat in chinese weddings. Yummm. One thing to note is that the soup base is very very salty. I chose "light" for my soup and its pretty salty. My parents and sister chose "medium" and it was really salty.

Look at my mother beaming with happiness lol.

Find this picture familiar? I would like to draw your attention back to the first picture of this post. HAHAHA. I forced my parents to buy couple tee in Thailand 5 years back. And this was their first time wearing it!! They only wore it for photo taking purposes because my mom paiseh to wear it out. HAHA.

Happy anniversary!
20 years is not easy, especially when both my parents are not the romantic type. My father is a man of few words and he doesnt care about, well pretty much everything. I honestly think he doesnt remember my birthday up till now. And also, when i was younger, i thought they were going to divorce and that we were SUPER DUPER POOR because they always fought about money lolzzz. While i grew to understand that they were not heading for a divorce, i often wonder why the heck did they marry each other in the first place? They show no signs of love and affection until recent years. I guess my mom suddenly grew a lot girly heh.

My new (well, second-hand) piano just came in today. YAYYYYYYY.

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