Monday, January 22, 2018


Went to prayer meet without much expectations, but I was truly blown away.

God has been increasingly revealing to me the role of the HS recently. My Christian life thus far has been centered around God and Jesus, and while I know of the HS, I’ve never really thought too much about the Him.

But for the past few months, l’ve been learning how to depend on the HS on a much deeper level through some circumstances, and I’ve come to a point where I can’t help but to acknowledge the importance of the HS.

In Romans 7, Paul talks about the fight between the flesh and the spirit, and lament who can save him from his sinful nature. “But thanks be to God,” he says, “who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!"

Paul thanked God for Jesus for forgiveness. But that’s only the first part. More than just repentance, God wants to see transformation. And that can only be done through the HS. Without the help of the HS, we will not be able to walk in the light that God has called us to do - His standards are simply too high for our fleshly nature - and we will be stuck in the cycle of sinning and repenting, sinning and repenting.

And so when prayer meet started with a humbling of ourselves and a cry out for His power, I knew God had been tilling the soil of my heart to get me prepared for this year’s vision.

Not only that, the prayer meet that night indeed proved to be one of the most powerful prayer meet I’ve been to. Instead of just going through the motion of meeting agendas, I can really tell that the leaders laid aside their agendas and truly wanted to seek God first.

The outcome was incredible -  it was no longer a regular prayer meet where we pray for things to happen, but a prayer meet where we enthroned God on high and flowed according to His will.

The turnout that night was an additional icing on the cake.

I remember my ex-LGL once told me, “The health of the church lies not in its regular service attendance, but the prayer meet attendance.”

I initially thought it was because service was seen more as a compulsory, so if people go for a non-compulsory event, it shows how dedicated they truly are.

But it goes beyond just that. It is about the amount of people who would humble and pray for something bigger and greater than themselves - not what they want, but what He wants. These are God-seekers, not gift-seekers.

Prayer meet that day was a full house :')

Great things are coming, I just know it.

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