Monday, January 1, 2018


2017 has been an incredible year and although there were many changes/transitions, I can see God’s hands in it as I look back and reflect.

One of the bigger changes this year is my relationship status. While most of the other changes were anticipated, this was definitely not something I had planned for. In fact, there’s still quite a lot of uncertainties - the constant process of unlearning and relearning what love means. I’m someone who likes to know everything before making an decision (I never fail to plough through online reviews before buying an item) so not being able to understand something fully is unsettling for me. But I’ve learnt that the process is also a lesson, instead of being anxious and wanting to rush to the end.

Hehe so cute *v*
Which is also why I’ve decided that I won’t post our love story and my experience being in a relationship until and unless I’m about to get married. I know I promised I’ll write it previously because I believe that this kind of sharing can help others in their decision making process, but I think there’s also wisdom in waiting it out.

The second biggest transition would be my transition from a full time student into a full time minister. To be honest, I was worried that I’ll be stuck working in ministry forever when I first accepted my job. I wanted to go outside and enjoy the world too! I know that there are people who changed to a marketplace career from a ministry job, and I supposed I was unconsciously hoping for that (not that it’s unbiblical), but i can hardly say the same thing right now.

One of my colleague’s friend was hospitalised recently and might die anytime due to his condition. Our boss, without a pause, allowed her to take a few days off just to be with the friend. When the patient’s other friends saw how frequently she was in the ward, they asked, “Don’t you have work to do?”

She replied, “I work for the souls of men. It’s my privilege to be here.”

Time and time again I’m mind blown by the weight of the responsibility that God has given us. I’m so thankful to be where I am right now, and I can only say God knows us the best. He knows what He’s doing even when He calls us into the unknown, no matter how scary and mysterious we think it is.

Through work, I’ve also rekindled my friendship with HH.

Not sure if you guys know but there was a period of time me and HH were very close! She’s literally the second person next to YX that I feel 100% at ease with. Unfortunately, we drifted apart due to our circumstances, but we are now able to sow on this friendship once again because of our circumstances haha (we are colleagues, and in fact it was because of her that I landed myself a job at

We even won a phone each from our company’s lucky draw hahah.
The last major change in 2017 is the change of LG. I’m quite privileged to be surrounded with many lao jiaos because I’m able to discuss many things with them, and get trusted valuable advice. I was quite touched how they care for my friends too - be it enfolding visitors, or praying for my friends. They are really an encouragement to me :’)

Not everyone is in the photo though :(
That pretty much sums up my 2017. Laced in between was of course other blessings eg parents coming to Church, making new friends, Hillsong conference and many others :D Not sure how 2018 will top 2017, but we shall see. TYJ! 🙌🏼

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