Saturday, August 5, 2017


Sometimes you meet someone in the most ordinary manner and they end up changing your life in the most extraordinary way.
So. I am attached.

I mean, me! Attached!!

Some of you might know that I haven't been the best advocate for marriage. In fact, the opposite is true. I have, on numerous occasions, indicated my desire to not want to be married. Partly because it's really an illogical decision but mainly because the idea of being so intimate with someone scares me. I never thought I would be in a relationship. I never thought I would meet someone whom i can imagine spending the rest of my life with. I was totally prepared to live as a single when... he came.

Everyone, say hi to my deer.


I will do another post in the near future as to why i decided to enter into a relationship but as for now, i just want to get the news out that we are together :) Have been waiting to announce this for quite some time already so i'm glad i can finally do it.

I'm thankful for our close friends who supported us through the exploration period and helped us keep a low profile because we weren't ready to publicly tell everyone. Also grateful for Yvonne who sharpened my thought process by asking questions and Tracy who provided insights on what it is like to be attached.

I'm more than willing to share my pov and journey to anyone who's interested. Me and YX believe in using our relationship to disciple and outreach to people so just PM me or leave a comment if you have any questions!

And to all the girls out there, a godly man is worth the wait. Wait for a guy who treats you right, who cherishes you, who consistently places your needs and wants above his own. One who would fight and take risks for you because he knows you're worth it. One who makes you laugh when you're sad; one who makes you feel beautiful even when you think you're not; and one who stands by you even when you don't feel like you deserve them.

Above all, wait for a guy who has been pursued by God and is in pursuit of Him because then he will know how to love you like Jesus does. Don't settle for anything less.

他们都说好事后到 - 在大学最后一年,我们偶然相遇;而遇见了你是我人生里最美丽的意外。

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