Wednesday, February 8, 2017


There is a scene in Passengers that really stuck with me even after the movie ended.

The scene when he first stepped out of the spacecraft, floated around the galaxy while taking in the splendor of the universe.

I thought it was so poignant because he never contemplated to kill himself until the very point when he was marvelling at something so beautiful that a sharp realisation jolted in him - he didn't have anyone to share this joy with. That was when he decided his life was not worth living anymore.

It got me thinking: Loneliness doesn't just come when you have no one by your side when you're sad with but also when you have all the happiness in the world yet you have nobody to share them with. Perhaps the pain is more acute in the latter.

I started to put myself in the character's shoes. I imagined admiring a beautiful sunset or watching a magnificent fireworks display. And wow, it really hit me that indeed the experience would be a lot more enjoyable if you could share and marvel in wonder with someone you love. This thought lingered in me for quite some time until another realisation dawned upon me: was that why God created man?

Not in the sense that God was lonely but if I were God - who is the fullness of joy, peace and all things good - I would also want to revel in that joy and happiness with others as well.

Like when a scenery takes your breath away and you say to God, "Wow, this is amazing. God you're so amazing!", He is beaming right back at you saying, "Yes! I wanted to show this to you!"

He delights in our pleasure. Isn't that mind blowing?

I don't know about you but it was honestly a revelation to me because nature always reminds me of God's prowess. Now, I can't help but to think of God sitting next to me and enjoying the scenery before us and saying, "I wanted to share this precious moment with you."

A warm fuzzy feeling swamped over me. That night, I drifted off to sleep knowing that I'm very, very much loved.


  1. :') Thank you for sharing this message that God spoke to you about. Inspired & touched me!
