Friday, January 27, 2017


During the December holidays, my family took a road trip up to Cameron Highland. Cameron Highland is a special place for us because that was where my parents first met! They got to know each other while travelling in a tour group hahaha. 20 odd years later, they decided to pay the place a visit... this time round, with 2 kids.

We stopped by Ipoh for a few days as it was on the way. There are actually quite a lot of things to do in Ipoh. We only did a few adventurous activities - water rafting and cave exploration - as we were tight on time. The cave exploration was seriously the bomb. There are 4 stages of exploration and in the highest stage, you get to crawl through holes, wade in the underground river, climb walls and slide down slippery slopes and more! Say what?! Unfortunately, I didn't get to try it because my mom cmi. Like seriously. She was already dying halfway through level 2... which only consists of walking on a paved path and some stairs. Sian. Mental note: Will definitely fulfill my cave exploration dream one day!!

There are a lot of good food in Ipoh too! Love their chicken rice, yong tau foo and hakka noodles. SO DELICIOUS AND CHEAP, I CANT EVEN!!! Don't bother trying their pasar malam food though. It's seriously incomparable to Singapore's. For real.

Gua Tempurung

We drove up to Cameron Highland a few days later and the hostel we stayed in was sooooo beautiful. It used to be a British boarding school and they retained a lot of the elements in their interior decor. It is relatively more expensive compared to other inns we could have stayed at but it was worth it - after all, Cameron Highland is a place of significance. My mom was extremely happy. She kept taking photos and gushing about how this is the most beautiful hostel she ever stayed in haha.

Our room's balcony
There's honestly nothing much to do in Cameron Highland besides visiting farms and taking picturesque photos. The 2 main farms that we went to were Lavender Farm and Boh's Tea Plantation.

I saved the best photos for the last. So during the trip, i helped to direct and take couple shots of my parents. They scolded me at one point because my suggested poses were getting too corny HAHAHA. But they complied anyway lololol. ARE YOU READY FOR MUSHY PHOTOS? Here goes:

My dad in this photo haha i cannot!!


It's easy to look at the photos and think wow it seemed like a great trip. But the irony about travelling with my family is that we always fight! I think we argue more during our trips than when we are back home in Singapore because we are forced to be confined together for an extended period of time. Sometimes i wonder what's the point of going on a holiday together when we will indefinitely end up fighting. But i guess my parents just want us to make memorable memories together  - whether they are good or bad. Perhaps that's all that matters :)

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