Monday, November 10, 2014

Why Paul?

Sometimes i really want to smack myself for choosing the name 'Paul'. I get a mini heart attack whenever i need to introduce myself. WHY DID I CHOOSE SUCH A CONTROVERSIAL NAME IN THE FIRST PLACE, MAKING MY LIFE DIFFICULT? WHY?!

And then i go back to reading his letters to the churches and this man always stuns me. I am floored every time i read his letters. And his passion. My god. He is such a deranged person for Christ. My brain sometimes find it hard to comprehend and contain the amount of love and reverence he had towards God. Many days i lay on my bed after reading the bible, specifically his letters, speechless. He is everything i am and everything i am not; everything i want to be and everything i am afraid to be.

And also because he always says the darnest things.

Mmm, definitely my favourite bible character.

Except Jesus.
Because Jesus is a whole new level. #sorrycantcompare.

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