Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Lamb has overcome

Photo: x x x / Lyrics: Forever by Kari Jobe / Edited by: Me

I cant help but to tear every time i think of how mightily He loves and saves.

I've said this a million times but i'll say it again: Never have i known of any other king who abandoned his throne to become a servant for his people; Never have i heard of any other god who calls himself Father and his creation, Children. I can search all the world and know that i will not find another who love me so.

Oh Jesus, you have won me, you have won me, you have won me.

And on this day, some 2000 years ago, you battled our enemy and on the third day rose in victory. You rose from the dead, your perfect love could not be overcome. Let my lips trumpet your victory till the end of my days; Jesus I'll worship your holy name.

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