Monday, February 4, 2013

February, please be good to me

21st Jan, Monday
At Pearl's Centre, you will find a cluster of roadside stalls selling Northern China food. An extremely pungent and spicy smell will sting your nose when you walk pass. And when you turn to look at the food they serve, you cant help but to wonder "Wow, do people really eat that?"

And so i decided to try with my friend one day for lunch. Not bad, except that it is very oily.

24th Jan, Thursday
NYDC has some of the nicest cakes eveeeeerrrrrrr :D

26th Jan, Saturday
Finally satisfied my craving for Zam Zam. Watched The Impossible with Naby that night. The movie was ehh ok. But omg, the person who sat beside me was such a jerk. I came in the cinema, sat down, groped my bag in the darkness for my hand cream. So this man beside me tried to be helpful by shining his handphone light even though i told him its ok because my brain is wired to be a GPS when it comes to my own bag.

He just kept shining for me which i thought it was nice until... he started to stare at me and Naby. He turned his head so that his entire head was facing our direction and he just stayed in that position for like a minute or so. This was during the commercial time. We endured another 2 hours of him trying to blast our brains off with his non-existent "optic blast". Cyclops wannabe =.=

Oh, talking into his phone during movie time? Check. Letting his handphone ring and refusing to pick is up? Check. Go out for a smoke and then contaminate the air when coming back, making people near him (ME) choke? Check. Banging his head on the headrest repeatedly? Check.

30th Jan, Wednesday

1st Feb, Friday

2nd Feb, Saturday
Project BLESS. My hair looks nice for a change :')

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