Thursday, August 2, 2018


"Let's give God our first fruits ok?"

With those words, we postponed our anniversary celebration in light of an outreach event which fell on the same date. Everything turned out well. I managed to witness a friend taking a step towards Christ, and still get to enjoy my time with YX. God never shortchanges :)

But not everything was as perfect as it seems. I posted snippets of our celebration and while it seemed like we had fun (ok we did la), there were tensions between us as well.

The night before, we got into a disagreement about my dress. I was angry that my dress came late despite me ordering it nearly 2 months ago and they promising me to send it by end July. And that was after many unresponsive emails I sent them. Which reminds me: I have still yet to receive my dress ðŸ˜ .

Then, I got insulted by his remark while we were playing games on the day itself. So while we were having our dinner, we were also having a serious talk about what had happened. Doesn't look like what was portrayed on my instastory right?

Haha but to be fair, we still had a pleasant day together. In fact, YX wouldn't even consider our disagreements as fights. "Just differences, that's all," he said.

But it did get me thinking. What you see on social media are really the highlights of someone's life. There are less than picture perfect moments that you don't get to see. And it's the same with relationships – we tend to think love as a whirlwind of intoxicated emotions but really, it's mostly marked with mundane, or perhaps, even difficult moments.

But just because it's slow and bumpy doesn't mean it's unhappy.

For my anniversary gift, YX surprised me with a bottle filled with 100 notes of why he loves me. I teared when I saw the present because how could someone think of so many reasons to love another? Even after our fights, even with my flaws? (Ok, I teared because the stupid false lashes were poking my eyes too!!)

That day, I also asked him if he thought we are very different individuals. "How so?" he asked, and I began listing the disparities. For one, I'm a lot more organised than he is. And while he enjoys intellectual discourses, I prefer to listen and absorb the information. We discovered that more and more differences surfaced between us as our relationship progresses – To think we were initially attracted to each other because of our similarities!

But I have come to the conclusion that as we grow together as a couple, the question that we have for each other is less of "how compatible are we" and more of "how can we resolve our conflicts". YX and I have our own share of disagreements and differences but do we still love each other? Yes, I believe so. And it is precisely because we are able to accept each other's weaknesses that we are still going strong.

Thank you buba for all the times you've seen me at my worst and still love me through it all. A relationship's spring season lasts as long as both parties want it to be, you told me. So let's continue to pour lots and lots of love into this relationship and make this spring fever last forever. May we never take each other for granted! ðŸ’–

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