Sunday, September 10, 2017


My LG was sharing about their season the other day and one said that he's currently trying to reconnect with old friends. He makes time to meet one old friend a week.

I, on the other hand, felt that my current season was to focus. Rather than spreading my time and attention all over the place, I've decided to invest on specific individuals and relationships. It's also one of the reason why I chose Tampines as my region - I wanted to focus on outreaching to my family. It helps to be closer in proximity and in fact, my parents have opened up our house twice for LG! It's such an amazing feat because my family doesn't like to have visitors over, much less a Christian gathering. PTL! ðŸ™Œ

Anyhow, I feel like the older I get, the harder it is for me to connect with people. I don't mind having hi-bye acquaintances - it's the upkeeping of relationships that drains me. I just want to live a quiet and unassuming life, with a small but close knitted group of friends.

Which is why I'm very thankful for my LG right now. To be honest, I had my hesitations coming over because from what I know, it seemed as though that there were only going to be 3 awkward regulars in the LG. Somehow, God has brought people along over time and we grew to a group of 6. And while everyone is new to each other - especially because most of us aren't consistent in our attendance - I love the dynamics that we have. 

The strangest part? My LG is predominantly made up of extroverts, but I never feel drained, only refreshed :) It seems that our differences complement each others' weaknesses and I'm always looking forward to our next meet up.

Not only that, my LG is also quite an intellectual bunch of people. I thought my spiritual walk would reach a plateau when we first had our proper LG teaching because the topic was so foundational. I remember reading the devotion that my LGL had prepared and think to myself, "Oh man, I don't know what new takeaway can I get out of this." But I soon realised that I may not learn through the devotion but I definitely can learn a lot through our discussions. They help me sharpen my thoughts on what I thought was a familiar topic and added new insights through each of their sharing.

I love it.

So all in all, I think I'm transiting well. While I love NYC 7 and had so much fun with a big group, I think the new LG is just what I need right now - small and cosy.

It's a perfect fit.

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