Saturday, October 29, 2016


Some posts back, i mentioned that i have been doing a one-book-a-month session and i just want to assure all of you that i am still doing it despite the lack of updates here! During the holiday (oops, need to backtrack a bit), i finally finished Dr Thio Li Ann's Prophecy, Pansexuality and Pandemonium. It is not a hard book to read but you definitely need to have some OT context. Definitely not a book for pre-believers nor new believers. I would recommend it for believers who understand what the biblical standpoint on sexuality issues is but require further explanation and/or conviction.

My cousin said the book cover looks scary so im not going to post it here haha.

The next book i read is a secular book called Speaker For The Dead. It is the sequel to my fave book ever, Ender's Game. I thought it was high time i start to 1. read non-Christian books and 2. follow up on my favourite series and so i borrowed this book from the library. I do not usually read sci-fi - in fact this is the only sci-fi novel i've read - but I enjoyed this book thoroughly although Ender's Game will forever have a special place in my heart. It was very interesting to unravel the mysteries and secrets behind the household and the piggies (what they termed as aliens in the book). It followed the main theme of "understanding" from the first novel. Sometimes we impose our way of interpretation to understand certain issues or people who are different from us and this can result in serious misunderstanding despite our best intentions. So yes, I do recommend this series if you enjoy sci-fi and i will definitely be borrowing the next part from the library this holiday :)

Jolie passed me Walking Out Of Secret Shame right before she flew to China. She has my copy of Country Of My Own which is a book i finished during the holidays but never got a chance to blog about it because it's with her now haha. It is almost like we entrusted each other a book for safekeeping while we are apart to remind us of one another. Anyway, this book is a written form of the sermon Pastor Jennifer Heng preached in our church during a Valentine's Day service. It was about her experience with abortion and her identity issues and how God redeemed her. I remember vividly how she shared so vulnerably and how touched i was. I honestly think the sermon was better than the book - not because of the content for they are the same but because of the spirit impartation.

I'll forever remember this quote she said (which is also found in the book):

Fathers, go home and tell your daughter that you love her. If you don't, she will run into the arms of the first man who does.

If you are looking for an easy read that you can finish within a day and love yourself a good testimony, can try reaching out for this Walking Out Of Shame.

Following that, i read Captivating which is seriously such an impactful book for me that it deserves a post on its own. I shall save that for another day.

The Naked Truth About Sexuality is a Christian viewpoint on sex. It is extremely foundational and easy to read. I do think it is a great book for people who have questions about the boundaries that we should have. It is extremely digestable and even though it is mainly written for youths, i feel that everyone should at least read through a book like this once because sometimes certain knowledge that we have about sex is so naturalised that we fail to see that they may not even be biblically correct. Good to have our bases covered :)

Lastly, i finished Discerning The Will of God. Just like The Naked Truth About Sexuality, this book is a foundational book and an easy read. I do not necessarily think that everyone needs to browse through this but it will definitely be helpful for those who are seeking to discern and live according to how God wants them to use their lives as it lists guiding principles to help us make our decisions.

All we have to do to hear God's calling is to do what we are already doing... All the Bible people did to hear God speak was to do what they were already doing. Then the call came.

Yes, that pretty much covers up what I've been burying my nose in. Next up: Spiritual Leadership. It is actually my birthday present from the LG HAHAHAHA. LEZZGO!

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