Sunday, January 3, 2016


2015 was a year of new adventures. I became a LGL, travelled to Indonesia, Taiwan and Malaysia, cut my hair really, really short thrice.  I became more active in snapchat and 8tracks, i learnt how to make kimchi, started to learn from my ah ma how to cook (which btw, best cook eveeeerrrr). 2015 was also a year of Singapore's Golden Jubilee, like duh?? And also the year i went to my first SGNightFest and attended a musical by myself. Uni ministry started its first stand-alone service and i loveeeeeeee it so much! I see people stepping up to take ownership and every time i step into level 8, it just feels so homely <3 I grew to be more loving and relational (lol this one all thanks to being a leader of an all-girls group), i learnt to let go and let God in terms of studies, ministry and outreach. I started to intentionally use this blog for God's purposes (i have 5 #spiritualappetizers!) and ran frequent prayer marathons.

2015 has been a year of ups and downs for me. There were periods i struggled really hard and then there were periods i was exuberant with joy. God brought me through the shitty times - times when i really wanted to give up - and ended the year with a bang. I don't know how 2016 will be but i know that there is one promise i can claim from God.

 "And as thy days, so shall thy strength be."

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