Thursday, August 6, 2015


My family headed to Redang Island last week under the wishes of my mom whom wanted to visit the place because apparently it became famous for its white sands, blue ocean after being a shoot location in a movie 20 years back.

It honestly lived up to the expectations because it really is beautiful!

Day 1
Lunch with a scenic view
Took a ferry after lunch to the snorkelling spot
I've learnt that NOBODY looks pretty while snorkelling.
Returned back to hotel after snorkelling and walked around the beach.
Lots of broken corals
Caught someone modelling LOL
Still modelling haha

Day 2

We took the boat in the morning to the Marine Life Park which i think is the main attraction in this trip!
The best place to sit on the boat is the front deck! Lots of people cooped themselves inside but the view is too good to be missed! And also you can enjoy the sea breeze which feels really good on such a hot day. The only downside is that you'll get quite tanned for being under the sun.

Look at the different shades of blue! SO PRETTY!
The water there is super clear!
I was quite sad because it was inconvenient for me to swim on the second day. But fret not, there are A LOT of fish even at knee level! Do remember to bring bread because the fish will swarm around you if you feed them! I didn't know i could bring so i ended up stealing pieces of bread that were floating around haha.

Ok, end of photo roll because there's really nothing much to write about. It was just eating and snorkelling all day, everyday. A very relaxing trip - you don't even have to plan anything. You just need to pay and book for the transportation and the accommodation that's all because the itinerary is part of the accommodation fees (snorkelling for all 3 sessions lor). Despite its simplicity, i really enjoyed the myself. In fact, i have many thanksgiving from this 3D2N trip.

1. Its been some time since my family travelled together
It is true that i travel often. But i hardly travel with my parents. I think people have the misconception that I'm quite well to do because i keep travelling. Truth is, i usually go with my aunts and grandma because travelling is their way of getting all of us to spend quality time with my grandma. Most of my trips were sponsored by them. In contrast, i only ever travelled with my family for like 3 times only? I didn't grow up in a super well to do family. My father really works hard to provide for us, to make sure we grew up in a comfortable environment. Therefore, he was absent from most of my 'family trips' because he had to work/it would be too expensive or something.

But in recent years, things are getting better so this is one of the few breaks for my father. And i think he is quite addicted to it too! He's going Bangkok with my mom soon and he's already thinking of another family trip next year! Haha, I'm just really happy because he really deserves to enjoy himself and more importantly, we also get to spend time with him! :)

2. We didn't fight at all throughout the trip
My family is very prone to bickering. Last year we went on a family trip after not going on one for like 10 years. Gosh, i think that trip did us more harm than good. We were cooped together for like 24/7, allowing more opportunities than usual to be annoyed by one another. It was quite an unpleasant experience. So this time round, I was expecting at least one quarrel but we didn't fight at all! All of us enjoyed ourselves. I was really surprised hahaha.

3. My parents rediscovering their love for each other
OMG my hair is standing just thinking about it because its so mushy and corny!! Throughout my entire life I've always wondered how in the world these two people got together because they are polar opposites. It doesn't help that growing up i never got a chance to see my parents express their love for each other. I guess its because their priority and focus was on me and my sister so they didn't have the time or energy to be in love with each other.

Now that me and my sister have grown up, it seems like a load off my parents' shoulders. There was once during the trip, my mom wanted to go for a night stroll on the because but me and my sister refused to move our butts because we wanted wi-fi. She eventually gave up trying to persuade us so my dad became our 替死鬼 and accompanied her instead. I felt bad so i went after them after a few minutes. And as i was quietly trailing their footsteps on the beach and watching their silhouettes, for the first time in my life i saw them not as my parents but as a couple. The way they held hands and walked, the way my mom leaned against my dad, the way they admired the night scenery together...

I am blessed indeed.

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