Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Szondi Test

So on my facebook homepage, i came across this interesting link about a psychology test. It supposedly reveals our deepest hidden self based on photos of psychopaths. It theorises that the one which struck most fear in us the reflects the characteristics that we averted in childhood. And so i looked at the photos and then i saw the woman. Unlike the usual saying, my heart did not skip a beat. The best way i could describe it is that something shot through my heart. It jumped. I immediately scrolled away because i couldnt stand looking at the face. I went on to read the results and it was freakishly accurate. I tried to look at her face again but my heart just cant take it. Tears actually swell up. She scares the shit out of me.

The schizophrenic personality is characterized by intense apathy, distortions of thought and incompatible emotions. If this impassive gaze and poker face gave you goose bumps, you probably repressed a feeling of indifference towards others and withdrawal from things and events at an early stage of your childhood. 

You are probably quite a sociable person. You believe in socializing and communication with others, enjoying your companies and going out often. The sociability is rather misleading and perhaps hides an isolated person who lives with the feeling of being always alone. Your relationships may seem impersonal and superficial, as if they lack the true feeling. Deep down, you may feel that you do not need others and coexistence with them.

I dont know about the repression part. But the denial is extremely true. I have always thought of myself as a social butterfly. I get along with most people well and i find it easy to attain people's affections towards me. I would never have doubted that i was an extrovert until the peak of my popularity. I began to realise that i may not be as extroverted as i thought myself to be. I slowly withdrew from my social circles. Then, I had absolutely no desire to make new friends in university. And finally, i reached the point of self-actualization that i'd rather be alone than to be with people. Like how many times do i have the crack the me-and-my-macbook joke? Sometimes i feel like i am lying to people because the way i am around others portrays myself as a sociable person when in actuality i dont really care about people. And then they have all these expectations of me which i am unable to fulfil and i feel like i am an advertisement lying to consumers.

Well, i am still in the learning process.

You can do the test here.

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