Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cafe: Omaske & House

I have heard quite a few raves about Omasake's burgers so when Cyril presented a magazine which re-enforces the point, it was a no brainer for us to visit that place. Unfortunately, our grads gang from Msia has downgraded from 5 people to 3 people. Koksoon has booked in and Reynard wasn't free so it was just me, XX and Cyril. (Soon, it will only be me and XX boohoo).

Priced at $13.90, it is simply expensive for a burger at that size. (No meal!) The quality, however, is supreme. I was having flu so it affected my taste buds. I wished i wasnt sick so i can fully immerse in the juicy patty ): But i cannot get over the fact that it cost so much. I think my heart will break if i spend that kind of money on a burger every single time. Then again, this trip has ignited my cravings for good burgers so i will probably have to pick up the pieces of my heart and try to glue them together. Kraze Burgers just opened in SG and i heard they have good reviews too...

The magazine which Cyril bought also showcased some of the best fries in SG so we decided to pick House at Demsey. I've been there once and i loved the interior design and the ambience of the restaurant. We ordered the Truffle Fries, Pumpkin Fries and Curry Fries (names are not accurate!). For the love of God, PLEASE DO NOT ORDER THE TRUFFLE FRIES.

Like i mentioned, i was sick. Half way through eating the fries my taste buds stopped working and i couldnt taste a single thing except - you guessed it - Truffle Fries. It was sooooooooo salty that my taste buds could not block it out. The Curry and Pumpkin Fries were nice. Except that one tasted like shaker fries from McDonalds and the other reminded me of Shilin Night Market's sweet potato fries, both of which at a fraction of the price. I liked House's fries but not enough to be paying 10 bucks for it.

I still maintain that Everything With Fries has the best "high-end" fries and burgers ever in terms of cost, size and variety. Love it.

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