Avacado spaghetti was sooooo delicious. I need more avacado related food in my life!
Maggie Moo has really nice ice cream (Y)
My father planned a weekend getaway to Malaysia. I think i only told 3 people about it. I always find it weird to tell my friends stuff especially when it doesnt affect them. I think the 3 years of my poly life has made me more of a private person more than anything. I still go out with friends and i have fun with them but i dont talk much about my feelings or what's going on in my life. In fact, i am more "open" in my blog than amongst my friends haha.
I was more interested in the animals than the fruits although it was a fruit farm tour.

It looks pixelated because my sister took it from really far away. I was the only one in my family who took off my shoes and waddled around the waterfall. I really wanted to swim because it was so freaking hot and the water was so cooling. The view was amazing (the pictures do no justice because it shows only part of the waterfall. The top was beautiful) - i just want to relax in the waters. But nope, we didnt have extra clothes so we couldnt swim unlike everyone else. I could only waddle but that's better than nothing. I mean, hey, the entrance fee was paid so i might as well enjoy myself!

It was a trip filled with long journeys and a lot of yelling at each other - mainly me and my mother. Definitely inherited the loud voice from my mom whereas my sister and my father are quiet as a mouse. I think my family should not have family trips too often. My father, sister and i are alright because we are easy going people but my mom... OH MY GOODNESS. Every single time we go on holiday, her bad traits are magnified a millionfold and i just want to pull my hair out.
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