Saturday, December 16, 2017


My parents came to my church for the first time yesterday! I've been trying to invite my mom to church events for the past year but to no avail. This time round she agreed, and I even managed to get my dad to come too! #score.

The burden of my parents' salvation has grown increasingly stronger this year, and I've been praying regularly for them. I know that God has restored my family so, so, so much, but I also know that this isn't the end destination.

Tbh, I was a little disappointed that they did not receive Christ yesterday. I'm like an impatient child unceasingly asking, "When Lord, when?" But when I look back at how far we've come, I know He is working in this household. This year has truly been a year of breakthroughs for my family, and I believe He'll make everything beautiful in its time.
 “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”